Indubitably! *Hugs back* Evil Lords Of The Uni- Godly Mix Masters 8D It came to me xD GIMME TAT SUGAH AXEL! >: *Tackles* :glomp: Glomp Glompy Glomp Glomp Glompity Lol. I might finsh the Skits before the game! xD
*Hugs even moarererere-moar-esmimer* Mix master Julia? 8D Nappa: VEGETA! WHAT DOES THE SCOUTER SAY ABOUT THEIR AWESOMENESS? Vegeta: IT'S UNDETECTABLE! Nappa: Holy Super Sayian on a Sanwich! Nu! u! *Throws Sugar Box at you* :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: Every single skit is a dofl xD Yuri and Estelle is just too funny.
*summons Oblivion and Oathkeeper and slices the hell out of you*Dual-Weilding Sonic biiiiiiaaaatttch!!And don't try anything funny.Or I'll really kill you like I did Zeo 2 times,soon to be 3.
*Hugs even moarerer* Thank you my evil si- Wonderful Onee-chan! Dragon Ball Z Scouters wouldn't even be able to detect how awesome it'll be. No u! >D :glomp: When Karol joins the gets hilarious. Rita...Omfg it's too funny to bare xD
Oh yeah,and you and Zeo will not rule the universe.I'd rather kill you 2 before you do that.No matter what the circumstances.
*Hugs moar* 83 Mwuhahahahaha! Our minds will destr- Rule the universe! <3 We'd have the top two animes in like....forever XP You're still awesomer though :L I'm looking at ToV skits...Raven loves making himself look stupid for Rita to smack him xD
Nope,I made smoe more myself.Remember,I am a great baker/chef.*shows you my resturant over by Green Hill Zone*see,Sonic foods.That's my resturant.Wanna work for me?You'll be the manager.We are short a manager,so,wanna work for me?It pays $25 an hour.I know it's alot.
Well,if I did,Meg would kill me.But,hey,I wouldn't do that to her.I'm a good guy,people like me for my personality,not my looks and charm with the ladies.
D'awwww....*Hugs* 8D You're a awesomer Sister though :L I actually hope our games atleast make shows o_o
*Hugs Back* You pat yourself on the back too =P Not only could I have not done this without you, your fanfic might be one of the next FF games :3
o-o *Gaspth* *Dies of pure awesomeness* SWEETNESS! 8D I didn't think it would be that good x3 You are the best Big Sister EVAR.