Nov 25, 2008
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    1. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Hey!I've returned.
    2. Zeonark
      But he wears yellow underwear! D:
      Axel: Did someone say....sugah? 8D

      Excatly. Even if Marluxia is actually quite the awesome character. The dude was suppose to be a girl, how the hell do you not see he's gay? Nomura must've been lazy like you stated xD
      I have NEVER met someone with more than 4 TVs. We have 3. How will you kick them from the TV if they're not on top of- Never mind.

      I can't tell if Re:CoM or KH2 had the better version.

      THIS IS GLOMPAGE! *Glomps back more* :3

      Not yet, I have to wait untill Wensday now D:
      Yay! 8D Good to hear you had a excellent day.
    3. Zeonark
      No, This is Patrick. *Shot*
      O.o I'm too lazy to find out D:
      Huzzah....Wtf?....Peanut Butter? 8D

      I mean come on, The dude uses flowers and was meant to be a woman xD What ISN'T gay about him? For all we know he had sex with that Angelic thing O.o
      6 TVS? You've made my day. Maybe watch some Nicktoons and Cartoon Network? Maybe "The N"?

      Alrighty :3
      Yerp, Even Drives will work with it too...I think. I've only done Final Form Roxas o_o
      It's a awesome song 8D

      Yes you do >D *Glomps*

      Pretty calming, nothing happened. I can't focus on Vesperia because of Abyss' FRIGGIN WONDERFUL battles! 8D
    4. Ultimecia
      godd and hoping it stays good =]
      How was yours?
    5. Ultimecia
      Posting, I'm already halfway there xD
    6. Ultimecia
      Red heads lol
      It takes up two lines xD
    7. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Well,I gotta go buddy.Now I"m not happy,I"m sad.You just got on,and now I gotta go.*cries and runs away*Later buddy.Tell E I said bye.
    8. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Well,I'm happy too.Because your here!Why are you so happy?
    9. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      So,how are you doing?
    10. Ultimecia
      Yep, Knuckles and Axel are almost equal on my terms of fandom xD
      That and I wanted a long username xD
    11. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      I"m good buddy.*hugs you tightly*And Knuckles is in the house.Axel 000 is now Knuckles the Echidna.
    12. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Thank you!!*eats cake*Well,my time has come.And look in the Angel Family,I resigned.Later.
    13. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Yeah it is.Have a cookie.*gives cookie*
    14. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Yeah,and have a look at my sig.It's awsome!I changed it.
    15. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      I"m talkin to Renegade,and E.We are the premium brothers!And I"m posting around,making my Kh-v living.
    16. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Hi Julia!!!*hugs*What's going on?
    17. Zeonark
      It's even good for people over 40!
      Who knows? Maybe he did? *Shot*
      *Dies with you* x_x

      Roxas: Hell no!
      Axel: What does he mean then? D:
      Roxas: Your pants.
      Axel: WTF?
      Zexion: His flowers COULDN'T BE TRUSTED!
      Marluxia: Don't make me go Final Form :>
      Roxas/Axel/Zexion: o___o;;;;;
      Meh, I saw it a few times.

      You can replace Goofy with a Partner or a Enemy.
      Sephiroth is allowed. :3
      Special Conditions are what are allowed in the battle, Do I only Drive, Only magic, things like that.
      Crap, Sora's moveset may not work x_x
      XIII Struggle :3 Kk.

      Lol, As you know me well 8D
    18. Rayku
      :3 I see i was right XD

      Night, cya laterrr
    19. Rayku
      Ah..A boy must be on your Mind :3 Jk...I hope you are okay

      Well darn, My mom is calling me to go to bed, she noticed my friend was asleep >.< Nighty night

      Talk to you laterz?
    20. Rayku
      He's sleeping

      So whats ja think bout?
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