No problem :L And tomorrow I get Tota! >8D I learned it's multiplayer too. Weekend = PURE WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN! *Singing voice* Hell yes! FTW!1!!!!!111one!one
I know :P Don't sweat it. Thanks, It's alright too :3 Ask for a Re-Cap anytime too. Hope your week goes better. D: A bit looney. Yourself?
I want a sammich now. N0 BUT ST1LL. U C4N'T B3 SRS. Just to watch them lay the beatdown on a boss xD O_o Come in! Come in! DX Nothing is on my mind, just ideas for the Tales Fanfic XP Don't worry. I'll get it Saturday :P Too bad he joins....and leaves. Lol also I may not get the movie in since I'm hooked on the Tales series xD
XP I want some D: U H4V3 2 B LY1NG. That is genius xD I should try that. You are the Stalking Goddess now! WHAT WILL YOU DO? I dunno, it's just I can't sleep too good now adays xD I should be able to nab it today....If 9:00 doesn't hit x_x I am SO playing as Flynn D:<
Trust me, I'd do anything xD >:L Mmmm.....Browniez.... N0 F0RK1N W41. Hell, You might as well stand back because if you have 3 or more party members you win. Attacks like Negitive Gate and Ground Dasher tear through the enemy. O_o Stalktasic! You win the Stalking award! Very Giantic Phail indeed. *Sigh* I wish I could get some rain. After I get Tales Of The Abyss I'd be able to sleep soundly after I'm done for a bit >.> YOU CAN PLAY AS FLYNN? THOSE WIKI LYING BASTARDS! >: I wanna play as Flynn! D: