Nov 25, 2008
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7:52 AM
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    1. Ultimecia
      Surprise glomp xD
    2. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Well buddy!It went fine.Just fine.How was yours?
    3. Ultimecia
      :glomp: <<< GLOMP!!!!!! xD
    4. Odamadillo
      Axel: what you said he still hasn't got over it
      Demyx: yeah he is dumb
      Roxas: you can't change the facts

      Thanks guys that really cheered me up
    5. Ultimecia
      Yes xD
      It would make you awesomerer xD
    6. Ultimecia
      If you can do that you'd be awesome xD
      I could, but meh, too lazy xD
    7. Odamadillo

      Demyx: I like water but this stupid
      Axel: should I dehydrate him?
      Roxas: do It!
    8. Ultimecia
      By next month = not possible xD
      If you did I would worship you forever though
    9. Ultimecia
      Trying to raise post count, can't find anything i haven't posted in already xD
    10. Zeonark
      I should mention o_o;;
      I may not include every series, It's a high chance only for Tales Of The Abyss and Tales Of Vesperia.
      Gah....That's probably better because I don't have to research EVERYTHING about the Tales series altogether.
    11. Ultimecia
      That, or they'll try to make you get hurt on purpose just because you wanna be safe << that's what happens on tv xD
    12. Ultimecia
      Padded body suit = being made fun of xD
    13. Zeonark
      Of course not. Plot Twist aren't fun if they happen the wrong way.

      Sometimes? Why I wou- Yes, They're very awesome <3

      *Runs off to Wiki and Youtube*

      Imagine just the screw O_o

      Phew, You got some gooooooooood sleep? <3
      Busy DX I'm gonna kill myself to find this damned information. Now I noticed I have to watch like....AN ENTIRE PLAYTHROUGH for one stupid-Diary-Like Paragraph D<
      *Slit Slit*
      Yourself? :3
    14. Odamadillo
      It was ok till you said you only talk to me cause your bored

      Axel: yeah no duh
      Demyx: yeah you can't even dance
      Roxas: your pafetic

      Oh thanks guys
    15. Ultimecia
      Ouch !!! I mostly used to trip especially over my own feet<<< yeah, pretty dorky =p
    16. Ultimecia
      Injury prone, I remember being like that. It hurts xD
    17. Ultimecia
      Temporary color change xD
      Lucky, Snow would never come over here xD It's only 3:47 PM here, friends do make school better but I've only got 3 classes with them. The other 3 are torture.
    18. Ultimecia
      School = Bad day
      But i got out like an hour ago so i'm doing better now xD
      Don't you just love school???
    19. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Hey buddy!I see you are posting a little faster.Trying to hit premium like me?I'm barley 140 something away.
    20. Ultimecia
      More Axel fans!! Sweet xD
      I'm thinking of a username change, what you doin?
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