Last Activity:
May 12, 2018
Aug 11, 2008
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8:33 PM
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The True North.


~Meaner then my demons~, Female, from The True North.


Guess who's Faithin' across the rooftops now? Apr 22, 2016

Magick was last seen:
May 12, 2018
    1. Arch
      Take care! D8 *forgot to say bye* Bye! Stay safe and all that good stuff!!!!!
    2. Arch
      Maybe I know someone...someone who has basically only had bad luck...Trust me. You're really not alone. Others suffer just as badly and more. If you believe in karma...then you've accumulated a lot of good karma by now. When you're older and live on your own(or with a special someone) I bet you'll have a perfect little life. Look forward to that.

      Don't thank me. Talking/helping is in my nature. ^-^ :glomp:

      Oh...we will.
    3. Arch
      OCD has nothing to do with being just makes things...a little odd. I'm no clean freak or the type of person who keeps everything organized though. =p
      I wish I could tell you things always get better...but I can't promise anything and it'd be the same kind of bullsh*t that people use to cheer others up. Things happen. Just try to remember that you're not always alone. Even when you feel that way...not everything in life is bad.
    4. Arch
      Well. I've had a bit of the same problem. It doesn't get better if you keep being so negative. Then don't have OCD(I think...).
      It's always okay to share. I've heard worse. I could fill books with stuff I've heard. >_> Oddly, even though I haven't had a crappy real life experiences, I have good stuffs to say...usually.

      Looking at the dark isn't fun. There's always something good out there. Just look for it...
    5. Arch
      It's okay to share. that really something you want keep doing? How long have you been looking at life like that for?
    6. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Entity has been on for several hours,me and him are talking.
    7. Arch
      Err...wanna talk about it? Life sucks...sometimes all we can do is wait until it gets better. But trying to make the best of everything else is usually always an option. ^-^ Take in the good stuff in life.
    8. Arch
      Why are ya emo? D<
    9. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Calm down girl,had a little too much sugar?
    10. Arch
      :poke: Gonna sleep nao? D< *likes bossing others around*
      And you better be okay with it! NO EMO! >D
    11. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Ok,I will buddy!
    12. Arch
      Can't. *bad with graphics...I think* Never made a sig. Most I've done is make Roxas have a white Org cloak. D:
      And yeah. I can't make you rest. <<>>
    13. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Yep,they are!Hahahaha!
    14. Arch
      ; ; You need to be happeh...*squishes*
      Go to the graphics section. Or...I could find an avy for ya. *shifty eyes* I'm fine. I guess. D8DD
      Your arms are sore? REST NAO.
    15. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      It's gonna be soon.Don't worry.
    16. Arch
      It's okay. Some people just need time. :glomp: If you have ANY questions, you know where to find meh. 8D
      How are ya?
    17. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Well,I"m not.I love her,but I don't wanna hurt a friend.And my future sister in law.
    18. Arch
      Blue rep is netrual. Doesn't add or decrease reps. D8
      Spreading more rep means, you can't rep someone you just repped without giving it to at least 10 others first. Meaning, don't give rep to the same person so many times so soon.
      The more rep you have, the more you can give or decrease from another member.
      You're not slow! D8 Takes awhile to get used to stuffs. ^-^
    19. Arch
      My profile pic? What about it? @-@
      Any new questions?
    20. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      No,I'm not gonna use them anymore.
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    Of Monsters and Men
    ~the remake~

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