lulz I wish. At least I'd have an awesome windmill. No xD Uh I live in a very small city on the very outskirts of Cincinnati. Like an hour away from there
No, trust me. I tried on the guitar after awhile. Then I tried piano. Those two didn't work out. Plus, musical instruments aren't very easy to get around here. Neither are lessons D:
Eh, yeah. But the only time I tried to play was in a music class awhile ago and I guess I just never thought about it.
Oh it is good. You just can't get offended by what they say. Some lady did and she was ridiculous. She really shouldn't have been there. And I've tried playing guitar. I'm just not musically talented. Plus being left handed just makes me want to smash the guitar. So I applaud you =]
Dude that sounds awesome that you learned a new song. Congrats. :3 I suck at the guitar. It sucks that nothing is happening with RHPS with you. I just went last week. Next time I go, I'ma find you and you're coming with me >:3