Nov 25, 2008
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    1. Zeonark
      Oh lawl'd. Phases xD Gotta smack Em all! Wait that's not right! o_o Very kewl :3 You better watch out, I might pull out mah Giratina on ya >_> Lol.

      *Glomps* <3 I'm writing some stuff your telling me and stealing stuff from other shows :3 Thank you for telling me you'll sleep D:
      Oh good lord, Thank you! I would be killed by Sephiroth if he was like his KH1 power o_o
      Keeeep it.... *Records*
      Lotta games :D

      Hell yes! *Gives you popcorn*

      Just....Went on it.....That music....What is the name of it?
      I can't just help how f*cking wonderful it sounds. It's so calm...
    2. Zeonark
      Lol, You've played more than me. Same here :P I'll trade ya one of each since Emerald was borrowed and my idiot friend sold it with my Lv 50-something Blaziken >_> Moron. Indeed! <3 We have to battle for the lulz!

      Sleeeeeeep D: I don't want you tired everyday >< Hrmmm.....*Writes in notebook*
      LAWL! xD Wait, Sephiroth isn't in that game right? o_o;;; I don't wanna fight him with Vann o_o
      *Gets Camera* >_> <_< <_> >_<
      Oooo....Maybe one day I'll do it with ya, If I get the games xD

      Pwnage fight ftw. Lost Fon Drive vs Savage Wolf Fury? o.o

      Thank ya <3
    3. Zeonark
      Crap. I liked that move too. Chim Chim! Lol. I've played Gold, Silver, Emerald, Pearl, and Diamond. Which ones have yuo played? If I get Wi-Fi I have to give you one, I have LOADS of them each :3 Well only for Hoenn >_> Get Platinum so we can do a playthrough together! >3 Lol.

      Sleep nao! :< You need eeet! Sadly no.
      Vann: I believe I can fly!
      Sephiroth: I believe you can die.
      Vann: OSHI- O_o
      I'm watching you....lawl.
      Crap I meant XII xD My bad, I can't wait for it either.

      BOOYAH! I never thought of that! o_o Yuri looks pretty awesome and I like his moves and Voice.
      Imagine Luke vs Yuri o_o;;;

      Yeah link please. I can't find the official site DX
    4. Zeonark
      I think they said Draco Meteor was only for Dragno types, Safer to ask your brother though. 3: <- That could be Chimchar! XD I just love Empoleon <3 Pretty Pretty Shiny Shiny o_o Yep. I have to trade him a Rayquaza when I get Wi-Fi. Sure is. But it's too bad I finished the game already. I'm transfering ALL my pokemon to Platium when I get it. Holy crap that's alot! o-o

      Sleep nao! DS version isn't horrible but I would prefer the PS2 version. I wonder what "Revant Wings" ment anyway, I though Vann would get a set of wings for a form! XD Good girl....Sometimes? O_o
      Bad = Phail >< Good luck with FFXIII <3

      I might get a 360 so I can get Tales Of Vespiera >>; I saw the Flynn battle.
      THAT IS FRIGGIN AWESOME. Almost better than Luke vs Asch! D:
    5. ichi300
      oh and idk
    6. Zeonark
      Testy Test Test.
      It was fitting wasn't it? xD I wonder why Mew can't learn Draco Meteor. Then Mew could've pwned Mewtwo. Lol. Pip-Lup :> Who doesn't love it? :'D It was my starter pokemon for diamond. I see. *Writes down in notebook* o-o Maybe, That'd be awesome. OSHI- NO WAI! I got a Shiny level 100 Arceus from a friend. I feel special lol. Pokemon = OVER 9000 EPISODES. The meme fits perfectly! x3

      Did you sleep today? How is that game? I might play it one day because I played FFXII for DS once. Did you finish your homework young lady? >:
      Meh, Not much happened, as a matter of fact nothing happened. I'm bored. I have to wait 'till Thursday to get TOTA. But it'll be worth it.
    7. ichi300
      yea i am why? me i'm just hugging out and i feel alone
    8. ichi300
      hi what up dude
    9. Zeonark
      Lol, Use it in your post then x3

      The Unknown just went like; "BOOOOOOM! WHEEEEEEE!" Lol. It's too bad Mew was the main Legendary only for 2 movies D: I can't wait for the 11th movie and platinum. Sinnoh Pokemon = Win. I just thought of that for Lucario o_o Unknown just looked like letters to me. Lol.
      It's gonna be a giant fight between Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. A Key electric pokemon may appear too. I'm hoping Arceus will finally show up. Pokemon is gonna be the longest anime in history o____o;;;

      Hai :3 How are you?
    10. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      You can't change it till you have been here for 5 months,and 300 posts.
    11. T A F F Y シ
      T A F F Y シ
      Its Okay ^^
      Were all Busy these days
      I'm Great :]
      and you?
    12. Kites
      First day back at school since break.
      I'll talk to everyone when I get home today :]
      Today we play Tales of the Abyss Otouto!
    13. Xe54
      ..................... :P
    14. Zeonark
      Who doesn't?

      Lol, sure is. Mew huh? Can use every single attack except Drago Meteor for some reason. Palkia and Dialga = Pure win.
      My favorite is Giratina. I love his epic darkness and his move "Shadow Force" just makes it more awesome, with a interesting double type "Ghost-Dragon". Second Favorite would be Dialga for me, Roar of Time For the utter sheer win xD
      Neither am I, Personally me and my friend in RL happen to like Hoenn more than Sinnoh but I like pokemon from Sinnoh better. The Rise of Darkrai was the most epic movie yet. I loved their fighting. Did you see those shockwaves at the beginning with Unknowns just FLYING away? O_o
      Do you know their might be a 12th movie? :V
    15. Zeonark
      Funny and epic :P

      Eevee huh? Interesting choice. Same with Buneary. I would say for me Lucario because I forkin' love Aura Sphere xD Second being Electivire.
      Ooooo! Another Legendary fan! <3 Favorite Legendary?
      I'll admit that right now, I'm losing a bit of interest but I'll have to snap back to it.
    16. Zeonark
      OH SHUT UP!
      Vincent: ....Okay. >_>
      Lawl. You and your jokes Onee-chan x3

      Tur-Twig! Lol, I prefer Cyndaquill. Favorite pokemon? xD
      These skits are so friggin hilarious.
    17. Zeonark

      Very much, Me hate Vincent almost more than anything >:|

      ^Skits 1-5 ^-^
    18. Zeonark
      Juuuuuust tomorrow >P

      I might have to do that with you. Except for DOC. No Vincent for me xD
      I'm watching the TOTA Skits right now, They're hilarious xD
    19. Zeonark
      Liger Queen...someone had to make 3 parts agaisnt her XD I'm fighting the Optional Bosses too. We'll do the playthrough together. I'll let you know when I get it.

      Royalty = FF win. :P
      Thank god.
    20. Zeonark
      Especially the first boss, The Liger Queen right? XD
      The Green living heartless snot from that old bag! o_o

      Sweet, I'm checking it soon. Yeah but still, If you look hard enough it's a bit over used xD I really hope there isn't a Vincent replacement in FFXIII or Verues(SP?). ._.
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