Hell Kaiser Ryo
Last Activity:
Jun 30, 2010
Mar 28, 2007
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8:31 PM
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Mar 11, 1992 (Age: 32)
Where the Simple Man lives.
None at the moment. Seriously, none.

Hell Kaiser Ryo

Kingdom Keeper, 32, from Where the Simple Man lives.

Hell Kaiser Ryo was last seen:
Jun 30, 2010
    1. Kites
      Like the new avi.
    2. scarred_heart634
      what would you change it to?
    3. scarred_heart634
      hmmm kaytie is very happy with you :)
    4. scarred_heart634
      my mom has this stupid rule where we can be on the computer from 9:30 am to 12:00 then we can't be on until 6:30 to like 10:00 so that why
    5. scarred_heart634
      hey buddy whats ya doing?
    6. Kites
      It really is, my parents don't understand anything. Although, it's not unusual for my parents to take the side of my younger siblings. Since I'm the oldest, I'm pretty much the lone wolf when it comes to standing up for myself.
    7. Kites
      I'm on my laptop now.
      It's just that sometimes my siblings come in my room and take my laptop because they want to get on. My parents are just like "Let them use it, I don't care if it's yours." We have more than 2 computers in my house and they have to use mine. So, I end up having to use my iPod.
    8. Kites
      Sorry about the level of unfairness^^
      It's annoying to go on here on my iPod though, I try to post stuff and it takes forever to type on the itty bitty letters of the touch screen.
    9. Kites
      Sony wants your money XD They are useful though, I haven't used mine that much since I got my iPod Touch.
    10. Kites
      Well, the price has gone down since I bought mine. I think they are $160. They are worth the money too.
    11. Kites
      It's a really good game, it clears up a lot of information that might have been confusing throughout the main game and AC.
      Well, at least you can play Days when it comes out. I am more interested in that one that BBS if you ask me even though I'm going to buy both games.
      Are you planning on buying a PSP for BBS whenever it finally comes out?
    12. Kites
      Genesis is very cool. I like the FFVII CC fight between him, Sephiroth, and Angeal.
      Have you played Crisis Core?
    13. Kites
      By the way, is Zack Fair your favorite FFVII character?
    14. Kites
      I suppose you have a point. Then again, it would still be interesting to watch with full on graphics like they did with FFVII AC.
    15. Kites
      I edit his fanfics before he posts them and help by giving suggestions and such.
      What do you mean though?
    16. Kites
      Zeo has pm'd me some chapters, let me tell you chapter 12 is one of his best and most creative. We have filled an entire notebook full of stuff.
    17. Kites
      Yes, he is going to finish the movie fanfic by the end of February. That's when my cousin goes to Japan to consult concept story ideas with the Japanese branch of Square Enix. Let me know if you have any ideas as well, I have a notebook that I will be giving to my cousin that is filled with all of mine and Zeo's ideas. If you have anything to add, you can tell me.
    18. Kites
      Alright, then. I wasn't planning on doing that anyway lol
      People are posting quick in Zeo's rp, I have to get to it then.
      Did you hear how I might be able to get some of Zeo's fanfic ideas into a game?
    19. Kites
      Personally, I wouldn't. It's none of my business to mix in with your personal life. If people really wanted to know they could ask you yourself. Did you want me to spread the news?
    20. Kites
      You think I would spread news like that?
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  • About

    Mar 11, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    None at the moment. Seriously, none.
    Dueling, playing video games, something else I can't remember. >_>


    Yahoo! Messenger:


    "Darkness that even the light can't illuminate...I just wanna know what brings out that kind of power." ~Hell Kaiser Ryo
    "A sound "soul", dwells within a sound mind, and a sound body."