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Dec 26, 2011
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April 2
Home Page:
Trolling Shizu-chan
That one ******bag who loves the huamn race.


Kingdom Keeper, from Trolling Shizu-chan

Zeonark was last seen:
Dec 26, 2011
    1. Kites
      Axel: *sneaks in my house during the night and steals all my sugar* The SUGAR is MINE!
      Me: *wakes up next next morning and cries because sugar is gone* NUUU!
      Axel: *comes back with sugar in hand* Wanna share?
      Me: Yay! *hugs Axel and eats sugar*

      SPARTA! I saw the movie 300 XD
      You'll do fine, little phrases day by day. no rushies^^

      Epic win!

      Thank you Otouto 3:
    2. Shuhbooty

      I'm bored..
    3. Kites
      Reallyyyy long CnC
    4. Kites
      *buys three tons of sugar* Hahaha nothing will stop me from being hyperactive now!

      Yay! Rulers of everything!
      Looks like you learned a new phrase today!

      Siblings....of awesome epicness!

      Don't worry, you'll finish it all, then I'll put it in the notebook and add little explanations and details as editor notes^^ Thats so cool! I get to write editor notes!
    5. Kites
      Oh ok!

      Youre not lazy, you're just taking a writers break. Youve got time^^
    6. Kites
      *looks up from behind rock* Zeo! *runs over* Woah! Sugar is powerful stuff XD

      Lol XD

      Everything<Brands of Sweetness<Zeo and Julia ^_^

      Aww thanks so much! Youre an awesome Little Bro!
    7. Kites
      OSHI- Zeo don't from explode from anger! *hides behind rock*

      Quinton: Why would you want a new voice, the voice i've given you guys is sexy.
      Reno/Axel: True....were irresistable!
      Quinton: You mean I'm irresistable right?
      Axel/Reno: NUUU!!

      Brands of sweetness trumps all!
      How about this one: Sono toori desu!

      Woah, talk about major WTF O_O
      :3 Youve got too many friends here to leave anyways ^^
    8. Kites
      Well, I'm sorry to say you didn't get five tailed....we got NINE TAILED! That 4 more tails than 5 tailed O_O

      Quinton: If you kill me, you won't have a voice...you'll have to be mimes!
      Axel/Reno:.......Good point O_o

      Lol alright. Dont forget Sasuke!
      Exactomundo XD

      And in the end...no lulz, just a burnt pair of pants from all the flaming DX
      I'm glad you're staying here.
    9. Zeonark
      *Rushes through*

      Writing chapter of Kingdom Hearts Blackholed

    10. ~_*_~Kairi-chan~_*_~
      nm just surfing the net
    11. Kites
      Haha four tailed XD

      James: *pulls out gun* Oh yeah?!
      Axel: Flame On! *fire explosion* Yeah Bish!
      (Sorty, Fantastic Four moment...although, Quinton Flynn did voice the human torch on the Fantastic Four cartoon so I guess it's ok since he's Axel's voice actor too^^)

      You sure dont like Vincent :P In terms of KH characters go...yes, he'd probably be like Zexion. I do see him as a Cloud though.
      That might also be a good idea, then people would be hyped up and be shocked when the game comes out so soon after.

      Lets just stick to KHV Otouto, much nicer crowd here :)
    12. Kites

      That's true, the power of the nine tailed fox needs to be toned down a bit. I would like to see some blood flying.

      Imagine James Bond meeting Axel Bond...they'd be unstoppable!

      I hope he's not another Vincent. But on FF Wki it says that he's shy but ttys to play it off by acting cool...reminds me of Cloud. But actually, before I read any info on him, I just looked at his picture and tried to imagine his personality based on his looks and the overall theme of the game. I want it to come out soon! SE waits too long to release games...sometimes it's just for suspense but waiting too long gets annoying. But still I guess SE takes their time and that's why they're number 1.

      I haven't posted there except for a couple times O.o
      I wouldn't tell then either.
    13. ~_*_~Kairi-chan~_*_~
      hi zeo and yea i made new vidde :3
    14. Shuhbooty
      WHAT THE ****!

      And from an Admin no less!

      I'm banned for sure nao, sorry, I'm pissed.
    15. Kites
      Yes...efforts...lol XD

      Well, whether you like him or not, it's HIS show....so I guess he kind of has to pwn all wouldn't you think?

      Axel: I'm more of a sugar guy..... SUGARRR!!

      His personality is probably 50% badass, 10% loner, plus 40% chance that he pwns everyone! He probably cares about people like Cloud, but doesn't like to show it. He has hair almost like Sasuke, cause it's spikey in the back. He probably acts a bit like Sasuke too. Hold on though, there's a website I can check. Did you know his name "Noctis" means "of the night". That might be a clue into his personality. Also, his hair and eye color changes at different moments and that is significant in some way. He can wield as many as 20 or more weapons at the same time. Hope that helped a bit^^

      Omg, the khi forums are officially FTL. I just go on for KH news anyway.
    16. Shuhbooty
      I like that idea.
    17. Shuhbooty
      Can we go out to eat nao?
      Donuts and coffee?
      And then cake please?
    18. Shadow_Rocks
    19. Kites
      Lol, yes. But actually I give credit to Nickelodeon for making their shows that way, because in real life most parents aren't like that. It gives the kids a chance to laugh at adults for once.

      The list could probably go on and on. But since the name of the show is Naruto, he pwns all XD

      CRAZYYYY like Roxas and his....
      Roxas: CHOCOLATEEE!

      Isn't he awesome!? You should use him! Just a suggestion tho.
      Tell me about it, I read the posts and people are constantly bashing someone for asking a question DX
    20. Shuhbooty
      Wait.. what now?
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    That one ******bag who loves the huamn race.
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