Nov 25, 2008
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    1. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Yeah,I will.Thanks for the idea.So,Rp time.

      Roxas was walking through Twilight Town when........
    2. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      It's ok.I have the perfect place.Don't foret,your the maid of honor.
    3. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Mine was ok.I got off work over 30 minutes ago,and I'm talking with my girlfriend.I'm still planning this marriage.
    4. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Howdy Julia!Also,just to let you know.My name is Chris.But you can call me either that,or Sonic.
    5. Dexnail
      ello happy late new years
    6. JazzsVideos
      Thx for the friend request...! *smiles*
    7. Zeonark
      OSHI- RUN.

      Remember where he was working out for the race thing? XD I find their Father Hilarious!

      Double Ultima = PURE MOTHERFORKING WIN. That's why Sora's gonna have it for the lulz 8D Imagine fighting agaisnt Sora with two ultima weapons. O-o

      He would? :3

      NO WAI. Srsly? Sometimes people just tick me off the wrong way and I wind up fighting back for no reason >_> Cruelty = FTL.
      Imagine Patrick as one, Wait, He acted like on in that episode! xD

      "He needs your legal advice."
      "STOP BREAKING THE LAW *******!"

      I haven't been sleep yet 8D

      How are you?
    8. Zeonark
      Michael: NO MINE!
      Mayuri: OURS!

      That was so funny XD I loved when Josh got knocked out and pushed out of the wall! Lol

      Fight Riku with his blindfold on? My game'll do that 8D No one wants it DX You sure you don't mean Oath- Never mind Ultima FTW! I would use Two Across and Winner's Proof lol. Especially if you got awesome Reaction commands.
      Write it down! :3

      I wish I got to see it 3:

      Who is that? Me right? *Shot* I normally get a few friends in school, others just don't seem to like me at all. I always wonder "WTF DID I DO?"
      .....Oh god I just thought that. Wait, Doesn't that make Squidward a woman? O_o No problem :3 It's so blinding, Omega Shenron can't even compare. We OWN that dictionary.

      The laws of Epic Wrote by Zeo and Julia. <3
    9. Zeonark
      RUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! Mayuri is there too! o-o

      XD That was hilarious, Especially when Josh was crying when the guy said they're going to jail.

      Very cool <3

      Awww.... That sounds adorable x3

      Huge convo that was last Days I tell you. DAAAAAYS! Our level of awesome > Other people. Seriously I haven't met someone as awesome as you. You're just too awesome for words! I know right? "How's the weather?" Squidward made it hilarious. Especially with the no pants xD Incredibly weird o_o Brands of Epicness? Meh, Too many people don't like me too much for some reason. I just ignore them. Awww, Thank you Onee-chan :3 Neither will I. I screw up all the time! Don't take it too seriously. "VEGETA. WHAT DOES THE SCOUTER SAY ABOUT THEIR EPICNESS?" , "IT'S OVER 900,000!" , "HOLY SH*T ON A FU*KING SANWICH!" We rename awesome, It's new meaning; Our pictures in the dictionary.

      Your friends aren't too bright then. You rewrite the rules of epicness! Thank you! :3
    10. Zeonark

      Skittles made it! o-O
    11. Zeonark
      o_______________o *Jaws Music*

      I lol'd. I laughed when they got smacked by that machine xD

      .....Chocolate? *Phear Riku*
      It'll be as good as BRANDS OF SWEETNESS.

      Of course not! :3 I love bunnies.

      Sorry I made you upset DX I just find a topic and swing with it. You give it the "Awesomeness" parts of funny and long paragraphs. I try to extend it with people saying "What are ya doing?" but that doesn't help at all. It's almost "Too Normal" when you get a convo like that. Almost like the Normal Spongbob episode. Brands of Awesomeness? 8D Really? You think that way of me? I don't think I've had too many friends say that about me ever. I trust you more than anything. If they didn't go like this I would make up about over 9000 jokes to get it like this! We are super special awesomerific champions that win at Epicness and brands of sweetness 8D

      You. Rule. <3
    12. Zeonark
      He could've been under your seat o_o;;;

      I find it hilarious still, especially with Ms. Hayfer getting sprayed by the water xD

      How do they eat those things? XoX
      I gotta find more jokes and more action xD

      Heh, I don't really like pets too much. To tell the truth, I'm scared of dogs x_x


      Awww....I'm so sorry for making you think that DX Really my day is nothing but horrible. A few weeks ago my days got worse and worse. Thank you for your words, They'll hope me go on through life. I really do hope this year goes better because I feel like I'm off to a horrible start. I would not even BARE to live if I could never speak to you again. I would just drop dead straight on the floor. I love you like the sister I've always wanted and now that wish is fullfilled now that I met you. I would cry and laugh at the convos remembering the best times yet knowing you wouldn't be there DX I would be emo for the rest of my life if I couldn't speak to you.
      I'm on my computer account, Youtube doesn't work.
      You didn't wierd me out. You showed me that you're a caring big sister. Thank you lots Onee-chan. *Hugs back*
    13. ~_*_~Kairi-chan~_*_~
      yeah its better now she did it for fun
    14. Zeonark
      He might have been sneaking up there o.O

      Watching that Christmas special, The songs are friggin amazing.

      ....*Throws up* X-x
      We pwn, even in 2009! >D


      I know right? DX

      Meh, They were fighting over stuff again. Overall they weren't too bad.
      Well you got to see it. xD
      I actually posted it in the Code Geass Family DX
      It was forkin' terrible.
    15. ~_*_~Kairi-chan~_*_~
      Yah I was Yaminoyuki25 and I like luke too XD
    16. ~_*_~Kairi-chan~_*_~
      yep I am lets see im an KH fan an FF fan An Tales of series fan and I think I met you before
    17. Zeonark
      He was haunting their souls o_O

      XD That's Drake's normal face when Josh does something funny! XD

      I got the film! :3


      *Gets Spoon* >3
      HELL YES. Also you used Loverboy the first time this year! xD



      I think I would stab myself. Kicking a puppy is like smacking a 2 year old in the face ><

      Nope :/ I wasn't on the right channel.
      I hate today and yesterday SOOOOOOOOOO much.
    18. Zeonark
      Lol Michael Jackson would walk in and say "....Sexy time." xD You sat in the front? I wonder why everyone was in the back O_o

      "Me and Oprah. Cheek to cheek!" xD
      I think he broke 'em too.


      Let us go to ROFL with him!

      NO U.

      <33333333333333333333333333333333333 <- O_o
      Or a Namine doll with fake puke xD We are genius.

      Yay! FTWWTF. xD

      Aw, Thanks 8D

      Almost like Repliku. They BOTH made me feel like I kicked a puppy and I don't even FIGHT Luke ._.

      Thanks xD
      But I wasn't even up for it. I woke up Ten minutes before 200-MUTHAFORKIN'-9.
      GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. *Kills random Person*
    19. ~_*_~Kairi-chan~_*_~
      mp^^and happy new year to you too
    20. ~_*_~Kairi-chan~_*_~
      ok nice to meet you you have a pretty name ^^
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