Last Activity:
Oct 10, 2011
Apr 25, 2008
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11:48 AM
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Living my life.


~*~Never Surrender~*~, from Stranded.

P E A N U T was last seen:
Oct 10, 2011
    1. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Yeah, it's not the best thing in the world. D8

      And I had about half a shot according to my sister, so I wouldn't be surprised if I got a little loopy later on tonight. xD
    2. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Yeah, it was freakin' sick. Blehhh. Dx I'm not having alcohol for a while, even after tasting another kind, Tequila Rose. It was sick as well, but better than the Bailey's blend.
    3. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Agreed. Even though a little excitement and adventure isn't that bad either. ;D

      Ugh! I just tasted Bailey's Irish Cream blended with Butterscotch Schnapps, and it was the most disgusting thing ever. My older sister let me have a sip of her alcohol and it was the first taste of alchohol I've ever had, and it was so gross. I'm shuddering from the taste. Ew, ew, ew, ew. D8
    4. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Agreed. I hate a lot of noise. xD
    5. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      During the day it's crazy, but the nightlife is even crazier. xD I don't know how some people do it. I'd get impatient with all the traffic and people. =P
    6. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Me neither. I want to travel there some day. From what I've seen on TV now, it seems pretty hectic and crazy. xD
    7. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Ah, right. xP
    8. Forever Love
      Forever Love

      And by any chance, do you happen to live in New York? I just thought because of the RP and everything. xDD
    9. Forever Love
      Forever Love

      Oh, I do every year. Just something to do, I guess. Not very many people here throw parties and stuff, so yeah. xP But we usually get it the second time considering we're in the Midwest.
    10. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      xDDD Awesome multitasking is awesome.

      Planning on watching the ball drop tonight? New Years Eve and all that...
    11. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Nothing really. Multitasking, I guess. Watching Shrek 2 and listening to music and this all at the same time. xD
    12. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Awesome. =)

      So, what's up?
    13. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Hai. =)

      How'd that sleepover go?
    14. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Mmhm. Then hopefully they'll get lives of their own.
    15. Forever Love
    16. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Mmhm. And if we have to do presentations or something, he'll probably laugh. That makes my year a whole lot better... >__>
    17. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Yeah, tell me about it. =/
    18. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      He is. And I have him in almost every single one of my classes next semester. D8 It's not gonna be fun.
    19. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      My point exactly! He's a guy I talk to about KH all the time with, and when I told him about that he was just like, "Are you serious?" and started laughing. I told him it wasn't funny, and it was really sad. But he was just like, "Okay, whatever." He's a jerk sometimes.
    20. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Uh-huh. I agree. I actually cried, and a guy at school laughed at me for it. =/
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  • About

    Living my life.
    I like writing. And listening to music. And videogames.

    Singing, videogames, writing, reading, hanging out with my close friends, guitar...+ stuff. :)


    Everybody dies but not everyone lives. ​