hi it was good except the part where my friend sat on my stomach >.<how was your day and btw what can I call you?you can just call me yuki or Tear
O-o I would've yelled at those kids. Of course for the lulz at them saying "If you laugh that's excatly what's some people are gonna do to you. NOW SITDOWNANDSTFU." XD Remember when Drake sat on it? I liked how Drake just played the bangos in that episode xD No problem. I just bust out with it. I would die laughing if I read everything we've ever said in one day. Lol. Lmao. "Blood?" "Yesh! Mah blood shall be your destruction!" "O RLY?" "YA RLY." Rofl. <3333 Four scoops? o: The surpise should be something from the convos or Fanfics xD What's this for? o_o I feel like a champion. 8D Yeppers. Don't think many will sign up though DX Just saw Episode 8, I feel bad for Luke. I mean come on, It wasn't his fault, He didn't know DX and he finds out he's a Replica? ><
Rofl! Seriously? XD What did they do after that? ^^ I loved when he got the order and went "I got a autograph from Oprah!" xD He took a Chemical bath lol. I know. I do it alot xD Seriously? O_O Axel & Reno: SCOOOOOOOOOOOORE! *Highfive* And of course teh sun. Roxas: COOOOOOOOOOOOW CHOCOLATE! <33 BRANDS OF SWEETNESS = Only Five Dollars for the GREATEST CEREAL EVAR. Award? I never thought of that >] Thanks ^-^ Posted it too.
I bet it was XD I loved the Commerical. "We like to move it, move it!" xD Drake and Josh = Pure Win xD I remember when he ran over Oprah. Lol. I'm just naturally funny? Roxas: O-o Axel: o-O Riku: O-O All: RUN!!!! I lol'd. Very. Reno & Axel: BOOYAH! 8D Those Stakes too. Or sticks. I forgot o_o <3 Roxas: .....Chocolate? Best. Cereal. In. Existance. XD They're always after meh Lucky charms and meh Brands of Sweetness! FTW = FTW. Wait. WTF? o_o Sent it <3
I wish I could've saw it xD ...and red....and round....and spherical. Lol. That's the first thing that came to mind. Zexion: O_o On second though. *Runs* Riku: YOU CHILD MOLESTER! *Runs* Xemnas: ....They don't like my man candy. Roxas: *Throws up* Namine: It wasn't me this time o_o Lawl! Pffft. I need to meet this girl. I think one of them is 2 and another is about to be 2. Reno: ....Alright. You better have a room open though. Axel: I WANT IN. NAO. Garlic is Overrated. Yay <3 No one does X-x D'awwww....You're welcome 8D Chocolate Ice Cream milk? Demyx: OSHI- Roxas: CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILK! xD Brands of Sweetness > Fruit Loops. I did like them, Not as much though. Riku Orgy clothes > Riku New clothes FTWWWWWWWWW.....! Ja, I'm sending it to you first though.
I know! XD It's hilarious! I don't care if it's filled with 2 year olds. I gotta see it xD 2010? Ofu- I know! I thought it was gonna be a girl throughout the show! o_o Poof Poof! :3 I'm gonna die of laughter XD Itachi: ....I'm ashamed...WHY CAN'T I JOIN? Sasori: We're too sexy to join. Riku: *Smacks with Blindfold* Repliku: *Goes Dark Form* NOW I'M SEXY! >D Riku: You're not sexy. Zexion: I NEED A ADULT! I NEED A ADULT! >O< Namine: FOOOOOOD! *Throws up on wall* Axel: oooo....Sugar. Roxas: AXEL THAT'S NO- Axel: X_x Oh that's a complete rofl. How old is she? The three I got just about hate or like me xD They scream when I just touch them. Lol. Reno: JUUUULIA! o_o It's the new fancy trend to kill vampires. I think I'm dead from motion sickness already X-x Sounds fun and thank you for letting me know you won't hurt yourself. Man: *Nosebleed* Fanservice! NO WAIT THAT'S TH- *Repliku Blows up* Riku: FINALLY! Ice cream Ftw! Roxas: Milk 8D It pwns those crappy Fruit Loops! <3 Thanks <3 Riku seems better blindfold. That bish pwns with Oblivion. Riku: Did you call me a bish? Gettin' the beginning of the RP done now xD
Roxas: Yeah! Axel: O RLY? Roxas: YA RLY. Axel: NO WAI! Roxas: YA WAI! Axel: R U SHUR? Roxas: SHUR I'M SHUR. I cried a bit myself ;_; I lol'd at the ending song they sung xD MOOOOOB! OSHI- He blew up Pluto! Who cares? Pluto wasn't important. I love that show, I like Poof 8D It'll be a lmao! Naruto: I can do better than that. *Break dances* Repliku: I'm Lov- Zexion: Please for the love of all of humanity. STFU. Riku: I love you Zexion. Zexion: WHAT? O_o I love that quote. I think I said it to Second Vexen since I was fighting in a grassy area a bit xD You and your booze. Me and my booze.....BOOZE! <3 I think I remember a disney show that said that. xD Leon looks funny too lol. Pffft. Not them. They'll sleep for 2-4 hours and wake up like nothing happened. or Female Reno o-o Vampire: I SUCK YER BLO- AHHHH! HOT! >< Don't get hurt again x-x I forgot how to snowboard xD I hope it isn't TOO high. ....Now that sounds sexy. *Shot* ....Life sounds better. "HEY HEY, STFU." " ;_; " DAIRY PRODUCTS. 100% FULL OF PWNAGE. Axel: Yes lover boy. Choc- Roxas: CHOCOLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATEEEEEEE......Milk. *Destroys Fridge* Want some? Yay but I gotta gather my ideas xD Roxas and Riku. I'm starting to like Riku now.
Nukey Nuke Nuken Nuke. Puke. Namine: *Throws up* Roxas: ._. "Run like the wind Bull's eye!" I think I broke mine since I lost his foot xD Nuke! Nuke! Very excellent, Now shall we be a angry mob? I love that part! XD I have got to use that in the Fanfic lol. <3 Sasuke can do the bump reaaaaaal goooood xD "Yeah, Do the Peter Griffin bump." HUZZAH! *Charges* Riku: I'm blind and I'm loving it! Roxas: HE USED A MCDONALDS REFERENCE! SEIZE THE NON BELIEVER! Leon: That's the meaning of "Cloud's ass is grass." I know I must have been drunk 8D Ditto. You're super duper fun! <3 O_o Trust me, Our favorite time is when they sleep xD You're welcome <3 Lol I bet she was thinking "My daughter is being a Female Axel." XD I used to tell my mom my blood was lava because I was never cold outside. Lmao. Ski Resort? I want to live with you. What do you like about it? Does it turn you on sexually? *Shot* OMFG! I've always wanted to just do that! "[Insert Talking]" *Smack* "Answer my question. Then Stfu." Lmao. It's almost like they're hiding something or want to talk more xD ....I like Chocolate Milk. BRANDS OF SWEETNESS? WHERE? *Hugs back* Thanks, and who knows. It's my birthday so I might send you a crapload of chapters....If I convince my mother xD I'm workin' on that Castle Oblivion RP for the lolz.
x D Well theres three meanings translated from latin "Remember you are mortal" "Remember you are Human.." And "Remember you will die" Awesome, right?
.....That's irony. *Nuke'd* Your Notebooks of awesome will make Square Enix even awesomer. "U R A TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOY!" xD I loved Toy Story. Remember Bull's eye? Buzz thinks he could fly every time! I liked Mr.Potato Man :P Die internet. DIE! ._. *Nuke'd* You are too DX Me neither *Hugs tighter* Riku: She's at it again! Xion: *Crazy Laughter* Weevil: You said tube. Huhuhuhuha.... YESSH. It's one of the most awesome fooooooooodz! <3 I loved when Sasuke said "I believe that's the worm." Probably. That's boring. WE SHALL WIN IT. Leon: Poor Cloud. Axel: Poor Leon. Leon: What did I do? Axel: *Pwns* NO ONE HAS A GIANT FIRE SWORD BUT ME. Leon: YOU DON'T EVEN WIELD ONE! Axel: .....Oh yeah. Write both of those down! XD Cloud: *Bird Calls* Tifa: *Glares* Cloud: ..... :D Get some sleep o-o you need it. Not right now. They'll be back l_l I know! DX Maybe you should download some Rain sounds so you could sleep better. o: Maybe more hot water? It's snowing there? Maybe Ollie's right for now o_o No problem, I hate when people just ignore what you say. You ask them something and they fly to a different topic. I wanna go like "WTF DUDE. I ASKED YOU SOMETHING." Siblings don't sound horrible. Younger ones do o_O What kind of juice? :D They're always after meh Lucky Charmz. Thanks, but I don't celebrate that either xD I still age though o.o
Rofl. I think it's reversed irony of being reversed confused....doesn't that make us NOT confused? O-o *Dead of confusion* I know I got some funny ideas....which I forgot earlier o_o Buzz Lighter was hilarious! xD Hammy the Hammy Ham. I don't think I would even want the internet. I would just die like you DX I've never had a Brother-Sister relationship with anyone but you. She's the Kingdom Hearts version of Peach. Srsly. She's gonna get kidnapped in EVERY game. Xion is gonna kick so much ass, we'll go blind. Nah, I wouldn't have too much music on it anyway xD Besides, I got youtube. HUNGRY! <3 You should go on youtube and type "Can't Touch Kakashi" and click the first thing, it's a ROFLMAO xD Heck ja!....If we're on boring difficulty o_O LOL. and how Cloud kept getting beat up! xD Cloud: Women are scary I tell you! Tifa: Shut up and get over here. Roxas: .....Yuck. *Leaves* Same here o_o Did you sleep earlier? We got three of those idiots here. That's excatly what we do "Shut up, sit down, watch TV." That's excatly how they are! But they fight like crazy! One of them gets something, they walk over and they pull it to their back and say "Mine!" I seriously just wanna take it and just flick it out the window! If they don't share I just take it, of course my mom wants to be the biggest idiot and give it, RIGHT BACK. It's like I did nothing whatsoever. Why not? Was something wrong? Atleast you still can get on the comp. My mother doesn't even trust me so she put a password on the computer and I have to wait every time to put it in DX It's incredibly annoying. I would play the PS2 while waiting but every game I got, got boring. Gah Siblings suck sometimes, you're not like that though ^-^ I just ate two hotdogs and I'm still hungry o_o I really hope we have better luck tomorrow. The day I turn 17. ....I love it >D