Nov 25, 2008
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    1. Zeonark
      Axel: Teh Axel Inferno! <3
      Reverse confusion? 0-o

      It's getting hilarious!

      Oh god I lol'd! xD I never even noticed Ham in his name. I just thought it was funny.

      "Today we are gathered to worship the two greatest people on this planet. We cannot match their epicness. NOW! Let us die with them of laughter!" - Everyone dies. I would die in a way even if I didn't really die if you died D:
      We're epicer than...Sora and Kai- Wait she's not epic ><

      I dun have one DX


      His face was a lmao. Stewie is the best character xD "Victory is mine!"

      She was so funny xD
      Zeo and Julia = So epic Irony and Boredom can't win.

      Repliku: I'm telling you that was a lie!
      Roxas: How would you know?
      Repliku: <_< >_> <_> *Runs*

      O_o You okay? Yikes you sound like your day was as horrible as mine. I was still up untill 11:00ish AM over here, I had to help babysit two crazy idiots and one two month old I believe. Gah it's frickin' horrible, Continous screaming one after another. One of them doesn't like sharing either xD My mom wanted me in my room to get to sleep which I refused untill 12:00 I think. So in response I wake up having to wait to get on the computer. I feel hungry right now. I hope your bruise and kneecap are okay DX
    2. Dexnail
      im checkin rps and posten messages what u doin?
    3. Dexnail
      o that sucks good luck with the knee :)
    4. Dexnail
      nm just got done joggin so what u been doin all day
    5. Zeonark
      I feel like dancing xD
      That's the power of reverse irony!....What?

      Zexion: Book boy?
      Roxas: STFU, No one cares about you.
      Zexion: I have more fan girls.
      Riku: burnt.

      Oh god I remember that xD Good times...

      If one of us died it wouldn't be epic ;-; We win at everything! >D
      Epic Twins > Batman and Robin

      iPod it is! xD

      Lawl, I can't believe I forgot about that.

      Luigi: Mario? O_o

      I loved her face when she screamed the second time xD Reminded me of a chibi.
      Irony = FTW.

      I hope you didn't spit it out xD

      So how are you?
    6. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Oh,ok.Pills are fine with me.*takes a couple*So,what now,your not gonna give me a check up are ya?I don't want a shot.
    7. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Well,energy loss,headache,wanting to Rp all the time,and I feel like ****!
    8. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Ok then.*sits down and waits*
    9. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      I mean,oh never mind.I'm feeling sick.You know a doctor around here?
    10. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Ph,ok.So,do you know what fun means?
    11. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Hey!!I'm back,but only for a few minutes.God damn,I"m stuck in TP.I can't seem to find where to go next with Link,and these monkeys I'm with.Anyway,I was hoping Zeo would be here for this,but,I wanted to Rp with you guys.
    12. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      So,how you doing?But ****!I gotta go,I have to continue my war with wolf Link in Twilight Princess.Bye!!
    13. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      I have to take some time to figure it out.
    14. Zeonark
      .....I'm dizzy o_o

      Riku: It's ON now!
      Roxas: Bring it Blind boy!

      Great Googly Moogly.

      Yep I sure do. We're almost like we were taken from each other from birth xD Wouldn't that be funny? We would be the epicest siblings ever. I almost went "I had the best of friends on there..." I almost killed myself like I said o_o We're like our minds lmao.
      Our Life > Their Life

      Or their Ipod? XD

      "Ball pit it is! Speak of Balls."
      Holy Sh*t on a F*cking sanwich.

      Yay! 8D

      We're just that awesome.

      Van: ;_;
      I'm watching episode 6. 2 and 6 have to be my favorite because of Tear. Especially her little "Outburst" in 6 xD

      *Bored explodes* So THAT'S his weakness. Boredom! [/Irony!]

      I fell on the floor xD
    15. Zeonark
      You forgot Blue.
      God, I hate them,

      Hell yeah! We RULE!

      I think Son of a Som hates me that way xD It's just like Phoenix Wright! Karma strikes you right back. I mean come on, No one is perfect. They can't help if they have something wrong with them. Pleasing one person = Phail. It's incredibly moronic and stupid to have one person who didn't even like you, want you to completely revamp yourself to be their slave. Mean people just want to do it to make you roll over like a sick dog and do everything they tell you.

      Me too, We're the most awesome siblings ever. I wish we HAVE known each other forever. Yay! Like I keep saying, I wish you were my Real life big sister. You could help me with everything, Bullies, Homework, Life. You're just the perfect big sister. I think I would go completely emo if something happened. I almost did with the "Go Daddy" thing. I hope nothing ever happens. Atleast we got emails xD We are the funniest people on the site in my book. Our Minds > Others Minds.

      "So liek I was down at teh lazi rivah and I was txetin on meh ipodz"

      You are very welcome <3

      "What's it called?"
      "That my good boy, Is my penis 8D"
      "....MOMMY!" = Me xD
      That almost sounds....absoutly crazy. O.o
      You should write it down ^-^

      You are correct. AWESOME.

      I just watched episode 5 of tota....Van, when he grabbed Luke and he passed out....Only god knows what he did o_o

      There would be no game, People would be so bored they would destroy their PS2.


      I'm surpised no one did wake up xD
    16. Zeonark
      Don't forget....It was red xD I wanna see Neptune <3
      It's not good to be alone DX

      "I'll liek braek a knail."
      ...Fork you indeed.

      Certain people just don't evene deserve kindness, They know they were shuning people out and being incredibly mean. It's no point when they won't accept it. They're mean for attention or as they say "I did it for the lulz!" which makes you completely hate them right back. That's a true saying too, you wanna be mean? Everyone is going to bash you right back. ._.
      No problem. When I talk to you only good things I know will happen. Your advice helps me out alot in real life too <3 I just want a sister that loves me. x3 Trust me, if we hadn't met I would die x_x You're like the most awesome person Evar. You make me smile in our amazing and hilarious convos and you help me with the fanfic of how funny we are. You're welcome Onee-chan and we sure can! =D

      Kiddie pool? I'm not that scared lol. The Lazy river sounds like my kind of place. *Shot*
      They're secretly NOT watching us.

      *Presents Gold Medal* You win life.

      I'm glad I'm not five still. Seriously. I think I would commit suicide if that happened o_o
      "What about the mothers?"
      "We tell them they asked for it."
      Good, Stupid Peter Pan and th- oh xD
      Appearently I must be sexy o_o *Runs*
      I rofl'd.
      LMAO! xD I just thought of that! Nice one!

      Don't forget the AWE plus the SOME to make teh l33t AWESOME xD

      We need Bowser, He molests plumbers for free.

      It's fun yet boring at the excat same time! THE PERFECT BOSS!


      The ending is a lmao.
    17. Zeonark
      Just sent chapter 10 o_o
    18. Zeonark
      Lucky, I wanna see Mars.
      Why didn't you all snuggle? It's warmer :3

      "Ohai I wanna be liek a lifeguord to be lazi and do nuffin as people die" , "YOU'RE HIRED!" It's like, WTF!

      It's no biggie, I'm personally nice to everyone I can be. I don't like people sad in the very least. Awww....You're the best Onee-chan I could ask for. I may be a only child but when I'm talking to you I don't feel like that <3 I feel like I finally have the Big sister I wanted. I would probably be playing the PS2 and on Youtube if I didn't meet you. Now THAT is something I can count on you for! You're the best! :3

      I would be too, I would've hung onto you untill we left. o_o
      Purty lights, Ahuk!

      You're the most interesting person I've met so far.

      Oh god! Now those funny lyrics make sense! O.o
      "Excellent! I'll bring my Hot Chocolate Drug too!"
      *Hugs* I hope you don't go through it again ;_;

      ...Why didn't I do that? xD
      Mansex + Golden hair = Golden Mansex? *Throws up*
      Axel: You use 30 bottles of gel? Please. This sexiness CAME with me.
      Roxas: ....Zexion probably uses over 9000 and 1 hair gel bottles.
      Namine: Agreed. *Throws up*
      Namine: *Throws up on Axel*

      You my good woman, are AWESOME!

      If we do, We aren't paying. xD

      "Pffft. This is boring, I can beat this thing in se-" *Owned*

      You're welcome it's true.

      Also for the Fanfic, I'm working on the ending show now.
    19. Zeonark
      Lucky. I can't get out of my house xD I like stars alot o_o They're....Stary xD
      Did you have covers? DX

      I know! They're also in it for their "Slow-Motion" close ups. I would've been one of those people. You ARE! <3
      Personally I'm afraid of water a bit o_o I don't get too close to pools. Now Ocean is a totally different thing. I'm terrified to get out too far I just like it hitting my legs xD That's why I don't wanna be a surfer either.
      Seriously? Go ahead, use the foul language. I use it too. I hate lifeguards like that.

      I know how you feel sometimes, going down for 5 minutes from something that's 160. You'll want to get off the minute you start sliding.
      That was fine, But I really just wanted to leave and go back to the REAL fun. Lol.

      You're not boring. No one is. No matter what you do or how you do it. Trust me, I have no life in the slightest. The Internet is my complete life, I'm serious. I do nothing but race for the computer. When I get a game I play it, Finsh it, get right back on. I almost hate myself for it. Yet I'm completely used to it. You're life is WAY better than mine I assure you that.

      "No problem! Now how about we go to the park? 8D"
      20? I thought it'd be over 9000 by now. The Reference fits more than I can imagine.
      I am GLAD! o_o I'm sad you were one of his students DX

      RUN! He'll.....Handle you o_o;;;
      O.o I think you killed them lol. I should use this on Mansex.
      Axel: Awww great. You got it on ME this time.
      Roxas: *Snicker*
      Namine: *Throws up*
      Roxas: ....Couldn't let me have it, could you?

      All I ever think of is how Mario destroyed my golden toilet.

      Imagine the little kid kind o________o
      Boredom is the hardest boss of every game. They should have a game where you fight Boredom, I bet everyone would die in a second xD

      You are the best Sister a boy could ask for.
    20. Zeonark
      Let's me sleep better.
      Power Outages = For The Lose DX

      Gah, Lifeguards are ****ed up. Did someone yell at her? MAJOOOOR. I remember going on a Water Slide, Of course I couldn't swim x_x Lifeguard had to come get me. You aren't terrified of Water? Lifeguards are usually in it for people to notice THEM instead of actually saving people. If I was that lifeguard I would've noticed you ASAP and saved you.

      O_O I would've DIED if I got that high and saw everything....I think I would drop dead if I looked down and thought of what would happen o_o
      Animal Kingdom SUCKS! DX I hate that place so much...So...boring.

      It's not boring! In fact I envy you. You have a exciting life.

      "It's official. Someone call him and tell him our teacher is his long lost brother."
      I think the goooooood part wasn't from the chocolate xD
      NO WAI. I think he's more of a perv than the Azumanga Daioh one! XD

      "I'd tap that."
      We are the Golden A-Team! Only there's two of us!
      NOW MY SIR. THAT IS....epic. XD
      "HEY, THEY SHOULD BE ARRESTED, THEY'RE TOO AWESOME." , "Fork you! Even Bush likes them!"
      *Runs* x_x

      x3 =3 3x 3=

      Oh god....He might be Michael Jackson too o_o only the more gay kind and Teenage kind.

      WE ARE THE PROTECTERS OF THE EARTH! We defend from boredom!....if it doesn't hit us first.

      I hope so o_O