Last Activity:
Nov 18, 2011
Aug 5, 2008
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7:20 AM
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High Shcool Student


Gummi Ship Junkie, from USA

JazzsVideos was last seen:
Nov 18, 2011
    1. Hell Kaiser Ryo
      Hell Kaiser Ryo
      Not much really.
    2. Virtuoso
      I used Photoshop CS2. =D
    3. Virtuoso
      most of them are on my Youtube channel though....xD
    4. Virtuoso
      The only one I saw was the FF7 Crisis Core video with the song "Monster". (btw, I'm Om3gaD3stroy3r as my video portal account =D)
    5. Virtuoso
      Thanks I made it myself. =D

      btw, you make some pretty sweet AMVs. (coming from a video editor xD)

      Your avatar's pretty cool too. I like the simplicity.
    6. Hell Kaiser Ryo
      Hell Kaiser Ryo
      No problem, I guess you'll have to rep other people (Possibly six) randomly.
    7. Hell Kaiser Ryo
      Hell Kaiser Ryo
      Apparently, my friends already do, unlike this one friend who barely has a life. He plays video games most of his time...but he does do some work, at times or at a lot of times...I'm not sure...I don't get paid for my chores...which sucks...I wonder why? Hmmm..............
    8. Hell Kaiser Ryo
      Hell Kaiser Ryo
      All right, I hope you a Happy and Heart-filled Christmas.
    9. Hell Kaiser Ryo
      Hell Kaiser Ryo
      Oh, well...yeah, you see the only thing I've been wanting ever since I saw the commercial, Spectrobes: Beyond the Portal...you're gonna think of me as more of a freaking nerd...but, have you seen me at all? Do I look like a nerd? Possibly. But I'm a nerd who's cool, who's cooler than an ice. Really now, does that sound like a nerd, or a wanna-be gangsta? xD
    10. Hell Kaiser Ryo
      Hell Kaiser Ryo
      Every year, and it keeps getting old, the fake Santa, the shrill of gift wrapping...the thing lost its touch when I got old.
    11. Hell Kaiser Ryo
      Hell Kaiser Ryo
      They only force it during well...school days...and Sundays for school...but since I am on winter break, there is no need.
    12. Hell Kaiser Ryo
      Hell Kaiser Ryo
      No, not really...I wish I could sleep, and no, I'm no vampire because I say that...it's because I just hate to sleep.
    13. Shuhbooty
      Your welcome Jazz.
    14. Shuhbooty
      I love your avatar!
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  • About

    High Shcool Student
    I LOVE Kingdom Hearts!!!

    playing video games, making AMVs, and being on the computer 24/7

