Nov 25, 2008
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    1. Zeonark
      I looooove Rain. Great for fun like your tubing and maybe even water slides <3 I like just the sound of rain lulling me to sleep. Thunderstroms though are a no for me >_> They'll bust out my electricity and then of course, I'm going to be pissed. I would understand if people hated rain for hair. I mean, My mom does. Lol.

      Keep Going! Please! I beg you. These are great.

      What did your friend say? XD
      If they drunk it, that'd be saying "Wait a few minutes and you can rape us after this chocolate. Kthx."

      FUUUUUUUU- *Door Slam*

      "Don't mind me, Just me and my skittle making ways." Just like our Skittles xD
      O RLY? *Sprays your face* Now you have Axel's "Golden" appearance <3 Lawl.

      So will I! x3 Skittles better take care of my children though ಠ_ಠ *Shot down*
      We will be the most awesome Adults ever. We'll win the adult award.
      FU- "I've been looking for you" o.o
      Then the world would sue for arresting the most awesome people in the world for being awesome, that is all in awesome from awesomeness.....Awesome.
      It'd be the new fancy murder weapon trend! <3

      I remember Brawl Taunts where his mustache just dropped lol. I'm hungry >3

      Workin' just awesome. Wait if Guy is afraid of women doesn't that make him gay? O_o

      I'm getting to work on the chapter at 3:30 I'm sick of being lazy now. Not to mention the movie isn't even slightly complete.

      I am NEVER gonna make this deadline T-T
    2. Zeonark
      No problem <3
      "NOOOOOOOOOOOO! THE TWO GREATEST GAME/WRITERS/SHOW CREATORS HAVE DIEEEEEED! I'm going emo ;_;." I seriously think this would be said.

      xD That's a rofl right there. Did someone ask "Do they WANT to molested?"
      100% chance. Lol.

      I think I'm scared for my freaking life now.

      "Nuuuuupe! That's just my Skittle Touch :3" , "GOD HAS SENT US A SECOND JESUS!" xD
      Good point. Buuuuut we could sell it and buy it again. and again. and again x_x

      Psssh.....Silly Adults. Not knowing the world in any way possible.
      I would've said the same thing! Everyone on the show is a moron! That's the funny!
      O_o *Gets into Spaceship and goes to Pluto*
      We'll be with them in about 2 seconds xD
      SPORIFE. The combo of all three! How delightful!

      3: Lol. XD

      Just saw episode 3 of Tales Of The Abyss....Luke is a moron letting Tear get slashed like that. Guy is a complete ROFLMAO. He's afraid of Women! XD
    3. Zeonark
      Yep, But not as amazing as you! <3
      THIS IS INSANITY! We'll go untill we're dead :'D Nomura'll be like "....Our Masters!" xD
      We could make "Sugar" a Drive Form! It'll be stronger than every drive combined! That's the most awesome Reaction command. EVAR.

      Some people ran? You SURE you didn't see me? I mean come on, I would ask my teacher if I could jump out the window.

      ....Hot chocolate? I really hope none of those kids got raped O.o I wouldn't even be in the same state that day. They must not pay attention to him xD

      Imagine him touching a window. LAAAAAAAAAWL.
      Don't forget, Our butlers and Maids have to be golden >;3

      Those shows are just as awesome as Anime shows with action and comedy. Oh wait, That's what they are! <3
      O.o *Jumps out window*
      NAAAAO....Wait, Aren't we gonna die of laughter or are we already dead? o_o
      Kingdom Hearts Blackholed and Portals; Two things that have caused the most deaths on the planet. How? Through laughter.
      KNIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE. That's the best kind!

    4. Zeonark
      Woman, Have I told you you're friggin awesome? This IS madness o_o We might have over 9000 notebooks if we keep going like this xD We'll be the king and queen of Square Enix!
      ....Sugar Raid....That's a AWESOME attack name.
      *Roxas, Axel, and Namine start glowing*

      I would've ran like a little child ages ago if someone like him was in my classroom. Oo I mean Yessh....A Stalker is enough o_o
      I would've been one of those guys to say that xD I would ran and tell you "Say away from him, He wants you at his house." O.o

      Ditto with Tear.

      Oh I remember that! I STILL rofl when I see that thing! XD We also need our floor solid gold.

      I remember a Highschool musical one too! Ah, the good hilarious shows.
      FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- It just rang! *Runs*

      My favorites were, "Cloud's Sweet Daddy" and "Batman Pees" XD
      We would destroy the world with funny.
      Of course not! That's why we Lmao in their faces xD

      We win the internet. <3
    5. Zeonark
      Wow! We're really good! o_o Plus Chocolate is for the complete utter win. We filled the first one? This is most certainly KH/FF madness! We own that much! Nomura can't say no unless he doesn't have a sense of humor. Ah, The Memories...When we turn 40 and look at them we'll laugh. Laugh so hard we'll be young again! XD I gotta see this Scan.
      Me: o___________o *Backs out and runs*
      Chocolate + Sugar = The ultimate combination of insanity.
      They're all crazy.
      It's actually getting annoying. I also noticed. Jade is the Abyss form of Uyru xD
      Why not? I mean Kallen's hot.
      0_o Holy hell....That sounds beyond freaky, Lying or not. He a stalker or something? You better hope he's not like that Pervert teacher xD

      Knowing Tear she would pull off one of those Nightmare songs on my mom xD


      I've seen a few episodes, Like where Cartman wanted to be the most out of control child. He dressed up like a woman. Lol.
      ......I'm moving o_o Unless Nemu is involed D<

      You should see on Youtube the made up lyrics of what they hear.
      Perfect Example of One Winged LMAO.

      Our Convos > Boredom
      Bush: We're saved!
      Yeah Fork you. >_>

      We make the best ideas out of everything xD
    6. Zeonark

      Axel: ....Was that sugar?
      You go down to the menu, Hit a drive and when you glow in slow motion...."CHOCOLATEEEEEEEEEEE!" You die of laughter xD We HAVE to suggest that to Square Enix! XD
      Chocolate Crazy o_o Bish Slap crazy doesn't have the sug-
      Axel: SUGAR! D<
      O_o Holy crap. I don't even think I've met a Redhead before. Let alone the guy you met xD Some Anime Redheads I personally hate. Like that guy who looks like Luke a bit. And possibly Shadow if he counts. Shadow is like Vincent too many fans and they made him Emo. Heck, I hate ALOT of Emo characters these days. Did you crack it? What did it say?
      ....I lol'd. You sure he wouldn't just hit your dad with his Electro-Mag Rod? xD

      You mean we'll be rich. You're the fighting champion xD

      ...I HAVE to watch South Park more! XD That sounds completely hilarious in every way! XD But Mayuri has Nemu....Oh god I hope neither rape me o______o;;;;

      I like the fact that the lyrics are latin too! Lol. Sephy FTW!

      Long Post = Second best thing to rants.
    7. Zeonark
      This quickly too o_o

      Pfffft....That's the best idea I've heard ALL day. They should've given them a Final Form like Sora >D
      ....Valor? You sure you don't mean Anti? XD Don't forget, When he drives he can say. "CHOCOLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE!" I would drop laughing for years! XD
      Meh, Too bad I'm getting sick of it because I've seen it too many times xD
      I'm appearently addicted to Anime girls with large boobs o_o and they can fight like they're ABSOUTLY CRAZY :D Lol but I just noticed that they all have red hair xD
      ....My money is on you. Most Certainly xD

      Mayuri does he research while I sleep? o_o;;; .......He's the Bleach version of Michael Jackson! D< Lol.

      I personally liked that better than "Live and Learn" I guess I only like songs with no lyrics most of the time xD Excluding One Winged Angel Of course.
    8. Zeonark
      Akuseru. Sometimes I only hear "Axel-u" Lol.

      ZEO AND JULIA. LOCKED AND LOADED. Rated P for Pwnage.
      Zexion: He said Loverboy's gone insane Loverboy.
      Roxas: WHAT? *Goes Crazy*
      Xigbar: Did he forget to take his medicine?
      I liked OTK Ransengan vs CS2 Chidori. That was the best. <3
      No wai! xD When I was younger I actually wanted to run as fast as Sonic one day. Lol.
      XD I didn't know it would be funny. Thanks, Atleast people Learning it wouldn't be Wapanese....right? o-o

      ....It feels like Mayuri is stalking me
      One of the best songs too xD
    9. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      So,are you gonna come to the wedding ?And if you do,you will be the maiden of honer.
    10. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Guess what Julia?I'm getting married!!!!!!!!!!!
    11. Zeonark
      I strangely wonder why, It's almost hard to figure out Axel's name isn't spelled the same Japanese.

      Annnnnime.....It's a drug xD
      O_o He's at it again!
      Roxas: *Insane Laughter*
      Nah, I would be a Anbu for you xD Head Anbu. As long as we don't have a Naruto vs Sasuke moment o_o
      ....Normal Human life sucks DX
      Or plainly because they find a japanese word and figure "Hey! I wanna be Japanese so I'll be Wapanese and say it everywhere possible! I'll be a Wannabe Japanese postfag!" ....I seriously wanted to shoot myself in the face from typing that xD

      ....Yet? Oshi-
      This Music Is 1337 o_o
    12. Zeonark
      Axel: Poor Rokusasu...(Japanese for Roxas? o_o)
      Roxas: T_T

      Plus I only did it to find more anime xD
      Epic scoop of all epicness! Shall we? *Gets Spoons*
      You should be Hokage <3
      I don't even blame them. Almost on every show I watch on Youtube I can't go without seeing someone say "Kawaii" in a comment ._. Plus that actually sounds hilarious. One word and you know everything about Japanese? XD Yay! Japanese! <3
      Thank u. <3

      Ty-Cho means Captain right? If not Bleach has lied to me.
    13. Zeonark
      OH FU- *Throws up* X_x

      Meh, But Bleach got boring for the moment so I paused at 194 and I'm gonna let atleast a season build up and then watch it.
      Ice cream? o.o
      I think that was "Katon, Rykuu no jutsu!" or something xD
      ....I'm such a moron. I just learned something I've been hearing for about a year.
      Kawaii = Cute
      Sama = Master/Boss
    14. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      I can't explain,look through the Vm's,me and my gilrfriend Meg aren't talking to him anymore.
    15. Zeonark
      Too bad I can't remember anything o_o

      Okay <3
      The only show I've seen with RAW was Bleach I think o_o
      I knew Katon didn't mean fire.
      I can't think of another word right now xD
    16. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Hey,sorry I didn't reply.I was budy being angry.And I had to for the first time ever,put someone on my ignore list.Nightdream.
    17. Zeonark
      ....Omfg.... o_o

      You can if you want, I can't take pictures out here.
      I only saw the english Death Note. Lol xD
      Yay! I ish smart! xD

      Katon = Fire or Fire Style, Correct? I'm confused on it.
    18. Zeonark
      O_o *Explodes after* xD
      ....48 bottles.

      You don't have to. o_o
      Very useful xD
      Yay! <3
    19. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Your welcome friend!So,what does Ryuk want for Christmas?
    20. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Yay!Cookie!!*eats cookie and gives you giant cookie*