Guys, thanks for the information, I know he left KHV but if he ever came back because a lot of people do, it'll be something nice to come back to. He's an old friend who I haven't spoken to in a while. So thanks but I don't care that he won't reply right away or even at all.
THIS WAS A PLOY ALL ALONG? >:3 HOW DARE YOU! I am completely offended xD What are you doing with yourself now anyway? You must have graduated years ago D:
Oooh, costco, that sounds like great fun xD Is it just like any other retail job?
I am :3 to a lovely boy. I am slightly concerned to be settling down so young but it's also quite nice. The wedding won't be for a while yet though xD Other than that, I am in my third year at Cardiff Uni studying psychology and it's quite a lot of work D:
It's similar, but I enjoy it a lot more than any other job I've had in retail. Also, they treat me so much better than any past job too.
And aww. That's great news.
I know what you mean with the concern, but if you're happy, then that's what matters. You're still young, sure, but that just means you've got that much more living left to do regardless of anything that comes your way. I hope it all works out though. :)
And wow. Good luck with all that. I had a friend who studied psychology at uni. It's very rough I was told, but she rather enjoyed it, and she came out with top marks at the end. I'm sure you'll do great. ;)
(had to post this as two seperate comments due to the silly character limit... lol)
There's a character limit? D: Has that always been in place? I don't remember it. Cry.
That's good to know then : D I thought costco would be terrible for some reason but I hope it's better than wetherspoons. Although perhaps Spoons isn't such a terrible company to work for, it's jsut a terrible job :/
God knows! lol
I'm seeing how far I can go with Costco for now, since that's more realistic.
If we're talking dreams however, the writing would always still be an awesome thing to do with my life. It just doesn't put food on the table until you make it big, haha.
Well, I've worked in some HORRIBLE places in comparison to anything else, so I might just be seeing Costco as good because it's not AS BAD as what I've experienced. But... the wages are good, I enjoy what I do, there is progression and yeah. It's not that bad from what I've experienced. :P
Damn, what have other places treated you like? D: That doesn't sound too bad to be fair.
Dream big man! Build a portfolio : D It's hard to begin with but not impossible. My sister has a similar issue but she does it with art. She works as a manager in Waterstones while she tries to do her art on the side until she can finally make it in the art world.
Next step for me? Not sure, probably a Masters and PhD until I can hopefully become a clinical psychologist (highly competitive so I have got to really want it :/)
Well, when I worked for Morrisons, the managers would literally call you the C-word on the shop floor. And just general other horrible things. I could generally go on for ages about it all, but it's like... what's the point? I'm better off now. lol
I can try the portfolio idea, but we'll have to see. XD
Short stories and the like, although I really wanna find some time to sit down and just knock the novel I've had bubbling away in me for years.
And ooo! Good luck with it all! I'm sure you can do it. You're so caring and hard working, it'd be perfect for you. c:
D: that's horrible! Morrisons obviously sucks butt but it's okay because I never shop there >:3 Their value packaging is the most offensive packaging I have ever seen xD
Well, do you write anything small in your spare time? :3 Just as practice?
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