Comments on Profile Post by Iskandar

  1. Explode
    Good luck man, keep at it. Let me know how it goes.
    May 9, 2015
  2. Explode
    Also, sorry if it sounded harsh. If it were in person, I would have definitely sounded less heart-attack inducing, haha. Text can be very dry.

    If you care enough to ask for feedback ahead of your class, you obviously care about it. So it'll probably be fine :)
    May 9, 2015
  3. Iskandar
    Well, I mean, I'm not a photography person at all, and it's the final, plus the last few pictures of mine have been kind of "meh", so I wanted others to see them and hopefully think they were good in some part. Though I'm more worried about my graphic design, but I can't do anything about all of it anyways, since the turn in date has already passed by
    May 10, 2015
  4. Explode
    Don't stress too much. It's only a class. I've been through years and years of art critiques, so I know how it is. Just listen for any helpful advice, and try not to take anything personally. If it's something that's important to you, there's always time to get better: it won't be your final project ever. Unless you don't actually care about it, in which case, there's no need to feel worried to begin with :P

    Everyone has an opinion, and art is really subjective, so take the advice that's useful to you, and take everything else with a grain of salt.
    May 10, 2015
  5. Iskandar
    Sure, but these classes are the ones I actually need an A in if I want it to look good going forward. Plus I messed up on an earlier project during the first few months, so I could use as many points as possible
    May 10, 2015
  6. Explode
    What do you mean "look good"? For anything specific?
    May 11, 2015