Well, I mean, I'm not a photography person at all, and it's the final, plus the last few pictures of mine have been kind of "meh", so I wanted others to see them and hopefully think they were good in some part. Though I'm more worried about my graphic design, but I can't do anything about all of it anyways, since the turn in date has already passed by
Don't stress too much. It's only a class. I've been through years and years of art critiques, so I know how it is. Just listen for any helpful advice, and try not to take anything personally. If it's something that's important to you, there's always time to get better: it won't be your final project ever. Unless you don't actually care about it, in which case, there's no need to feel worried to begin with :P
Everyone has an opinion, and art is really subjective, so take the advice that's useful to you, and take everything else with a grain of salt.
Sure, but these classes are the ones I actually need an A in if I want it to look good going forward. Plus I messed up on an earlier project during the first few months, so I could use as many points as possible
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