Comments on Profile Post by burnitup

  1. ShibuyaGato
    I'm alright. How're you doing, Best Fan BIU?
    Feb 14, 2015
  2. burnitup
    I am sick (but getting better)!
    Feb 14, 2015
  3. ShibuyaGato
    Ouch. Well, at least you are getting better. But hey, how goes the anime quest with your mom? Find anything she's really into yet?
    Feb 14, 2015
  4. burnitup
    Well, we finished Fate/Zero, trying to convince her to stick with Gurren Lagann (considering the second half is pretty good), and we are currently watching JoJo (which she likes).
    Feb 14, 2015
  5. burnitup
    May 26, 2015