Well, here we go. I'm not sure I'm prepared for this, but oh well. Guess saving my points was a bad idea at this point in time... oh, wait, my active keyblade isn't umbrella, right?!
Well, I can certainly understand that. I myself had been hoping to someone about it as soon as my... strenuous weekend trip came to an end, but it was already up by the time I came back. It's fine with me though. I may be out, but at least it's not because I'm a weak player. Besides, I did make it to round 2 at least.
not to mention, losing doesn't make you a weak player. Same as winning doesn't make you strong. The formula for damage is kind of stupid right now, so the whole tournament is a bit unfair.
Ooh, yeah. Bad choice of words on my part. I meant more along the lines of... it's not like I'm losing because I haven't been managing my character as well as anybody else, so I have no reason to feel like I need to improve my strategy or just bad or anything. Even though her stats are superior, I also haven't gotten as much crowns as everyone else (My recording equipment is awful, and I'd rather not try when other people are around anyway + No lottery wins yet). So it's only natural that I would be a little behind in that department. All in all though; I was just caught off guard and that happens to the best of us. I accept it. I really wouldn't know about how good the formula for damage is: I don't even know how everyone else know what it is, and honestly anything involving math right now just kinda... yeah. Long winded comment is long. Idk.
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