Comments on Profile Post by 61

  1. Hayabusa
    My current Garchomp is just the standard physical sweeper.

    252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP. Adamant nature. Iron Head, Earthquake, Brick Break, Dragon Claw.

    I'm considering training a mixed sweeper though, with a balance between Attack and Special Attack while emphasizing Speed, so I can capitalize on its also good Special Attack. Helps having a Fire Blast against the bulkier counters.

    Mine is 5429-7906-2041
    Sep 3, 2014
  2. 61
    I see. I had Iron Head on mine but I'm trying out Poison Jab. Iron Head hits more things, but Poison Jab has Poison. I'll prob be going back to Iron Head, though. I saw people saying that Fire Blast is better because he doesn't need coverage for Fairy, which I don't necessarily agree with, so I was wondering what someone else had. And since mine's jolly with no emphasis on SpA it would be wasted. I've never considered using Garchomp's SpA. In my head he's all physical, but looking at his stats he does have decent enough SpA.
    Added you.
    Sep 4, 2014
  3. Hayabusa
    I prefer Iron Head for the larger type coverage and the chance to flinch (since usually my Garchomp is faster.) Poison Jab isn't bad though.

    Fire Blast is just so good, covering 4 of the 17 types and being neutral to 9 others, meaning that only 4 types resist it. I consider it a better choice than Draco Meteor honestly: it's got a lower base power, but it's more reliable and doesn't debuff Garchomp like Draco Meteor does.

    I've also seen some builds of Garchomp as more of a support Pokemon. Pretty neat stuff.
    Sep 4, 2014
  4. Hayabusa
    Oh yeah, I also like Iron Head on Garchomp for his Mega ability (Rock, Steel, and Ground moves are boosted in sandstorms.)
    Sep 4, 2014