Jul 23, 2011
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Jun 5, 1995 (Age: 29)


No. B, 29


staff reply to my thread please i know some of you have seen it, its urgent Feb 12, 2018

    1. 61
    2. Jiηx
      Since we usually share Music
      , new song from these guys from their upcoming album, really feel like their vocals and music has progressed so damn much, nothing but good sounds from this song, can't wait for the rest of the album to come out.
      1. 61
        I've actually been meaning to look into these guys. I like what I hear.
        Aug 29, 2014
    3. 61
      This brassy bird has us buffaloed!
    4. jafar
      i started watching hansaku iroha, it's from the same studio that made tari tari and it's got a similar vibe. if you havent seen it, you should check it out
      1. 61
        oh, thanks. I will. I was thinking the other day that I should find more stuff from that studio but never got around to it.
        Aug 2, 2014
    5. LARiA
      Wasn't Scott Lobdell's Teen Titans series cancelled? Serves him right for writing Bart Allen as a terrorist.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. LARiA
        Although, doesn't Red Hood & the Outlaws have a new writer? Will Pfeifer. Not even "new," he came onto the project in 2013. I am not up-to-date with this series though, and may have the facts misconstrued.
        Aug 2, 2014
      3. 61
        When I was sampling n52 to see what I wanted to read I remember that like half of the things I was interested in were being written by Lobdell at the time. What I also don't like is that I love Rocafort's art but he always seems to work with Lobdell who I can't stand. I think Rocafort's best art is in Superman but that's all Lobdell stuff. I don't follow Red Hood so I wouldn't know. That's one of the books that I was interested in but couldn't stomach because of the writing. Hey, that's the guy who's getting Teen Titans with Rocafort. I don't know anything about him but I hope he's an improvement. Not that it matters at the moment, since I stopped reading current for the time being and probably won't like Titans anyway because of the characters.
        Aug 2, 2014
      4. LARiA
        Somewhat belated. I think Rocafort draws pretty eyes, boys, etc. But his sense of anatomy is skewed, esp. with women. Starfire looked *very* off in Red Hood, albeit the design couldn't have helped matters (can it get any more impractical?). But hey, at least he isn't Rob Liefeld... If you wanna go there.
        Aug 6, 2014
    6. Amaury
    7. Karuta
      Hey, you should give your opinions on my proposal in the 2014 touney planning thread.
      1. 61
        will do
        Jul 9, 2014
    8. Karuta
      There is an idea of a below; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there.
      1. 61 likes this.
    9. 61
      I have to return some videotapes.
    10. Jayn
      omg everytime i see you like a post i read it as '___ and 61 others have liked this post' and wonder where all of those members came from
      1. 61 likes this.
    11. jafar
      nice username c:
      1. 61 likes this.
      2. 61
        thank u quintessence
        Jul 5, 2014
    12. Hayabusa

      So I just started actually redeeming the codes for Digital Copies of my movies, but many of them are asking me to register them with either Vudu or Flixster. Which is better and why?
      1. 61
        uhh i honestly don't know. Despite my complaining, I don't use the digital codes. I just like things to be complete. I had a terrible experience with Flixster that ended with a code being wasted, so I would try Vudu. Flixster's registration process was ridiculously cumbersome when I tried to register a code. sorry for not being more helpful lol. maybe double check with someone with more experience than me.
        Jun 20, 2014
    13. Janime6
      i'm surprised to see u with a Mirajane avatar tbh
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Janime6
        didn't think you cared about FT at all pff
        Jun 14, 2014
      3. 61
        oh no, it's one of my favorites. it's been a long time since i've read it so i've probably never talked about it here before. i just started again though.
        Jun 14, 2014
      4. Janime6
        Oh, neat, that's good to know. o: Well enjoy ur reading c r i star m i n
        Jun 14, 2014
    14. 61
      If it's guts that I need, I'll be an organ thief.
    15. 61
      absorbing archaic like a sponge
    16. LARiA
      RE: "Dick Rider" ever since @TheWorldThatNeverWas drew a connection between Marvel and Nova, and I realised that the first person behind the moniker's name was Richard Rider-- and that, consequently, a vulgar parallel could be established-- I have taken to addressing him as such.
      1. Ghost likes this.
      2. LARiA
        I couldn't sever this association even if I tried (he certainly didn't help his case when he posted that remix of Troy Baker's voice acting). Nova IS Dick Rider.
        May 27, 2014
      3. 61
        At first I just thought it was funny because you were inadvertently calling Nova a dick, which I had done earlier in the thread, but the more I thought about it I realized just how many parallels there are and it really is perfect for him.
        May 27, 2014
    17. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder

      This person squeezed in what could be a trilogy of Justice League movies into a five minute preview.
      This is what I want to see on the big screen (obviously not by snipping together Smallville with the Nolanverse, but yeah)
      1. 61
        That's really cool. Yeah, I think that would be great as well. I also think they should look to the JL cartoon for some influence because it did so many things so right that could be easily adapted to fit the movies. Like the end of the first season of Unlimited. I feel like you have to do that in some capacity with the League regardless.
        May 26, 2014
    18. LARiA
      Who is depicted in your icon?
      1. 61
        Poison Ivy! From Batgirl Annual #2. I'm not an Ivy fan I just really liked the art in that book and she looked really nice in those panels.
        May 22, 2014
      2. LARiA
        I couldn't tell, she appears to have undergone a redesign. Is it from the New 52?
        May 22, 2014
      3. 61
        Yes. I'm not sure I like the new look overall but I guess a good artist can make anything look good.
        May 22, 2014
    19. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Boy Wonder
        Boy Wonder
        I love this series. The guy (Yale Stewart) is such a fan, you can tell.
        May 12, 2014
      3. Boy Wonder
        Boy Wonder
        Oh, meant to tell you. I don't know if you read the new Nova series (Sam Alexander's), issue 10 has a couple back-up stories in commemoration of Nova. Yale Stewart actually drew one of them; it was his Marvel debut.
        May 19, 2014
      4. 61
        Yes I do, and I have that issue, actually. That's very cool. I never noticed that while reading, but now that you say this I know exactly which back-up you're talking about.
        Well in that case I want him to do more stuff lol. I would love a Tiny Titans-esque regular by him.
        May 19, 2014
    20. Boy Wonder
      1. 61 likes this.
      2. 61
        this is the best thing ever. i want the starling city exploding like the death star edit next
        May 11, 2014
      3. Boy Wonder
        Boy Wonder
        It made my day when I saw this on my news feed. I wish it was longer, though.

        All we need is the scene with Merlyn and Thea with Vader's voice dubbed over. "I am your father."
        May 11, 2014
      4. 61
        And one of Shado's father telling Oliver to "use the force." or something.
        May 12, 2014
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    Jun 5, 1995 (Age: 29)
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