Actually, I found the words late last night, wrote it all down in my notebook. I'll have to re-read it and edit it sometime, and it's a weird one, it will only work as an audio song, not written down, but it's pretty neat I think. I call it the Ballerina's Rhetoric.
Ah, but when my songs are confused, I forget them. How about this: I'll PM you some lyrics for a different song I wrote awhile ago. Again, I never recorded it because I have no means to do so, but this one at least will make sense without music. XD
I get a sneak peak this is freaking sweet yes please do I can't wait to see also ummm... Hehehehe I kinda feel off I think just don't have the drive as I once did xc
Ouch thanks for making me feel like nothing even though it wasn't for me in the first and considering the fact its 2.5 years old the meaning of it alone may change depending on who its directed to making me wonder if this sneak peak leak actual was seen by other people
Which wouldn't matter cause that run on sentence was supposed make it seem as if I was gunning to make a point when I really wasn't just like I'm doing here
Meh, it's hard enough writing a chapter a week for my fanfictions. In fact, I haven't updated a story in more than a month. I don't want to turn poetry into a job, y'know? I'd rather just write when I feel like it.
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