Heh, I do love to RP. I'm disappointed that the RP community here is so... small? By the way, do you know what's going on in Kingdom Hearts: Orgins? I don't understand what is happening.
Well, it was fixed. She set different people to a certain part of the world. Max of three people per group. I'm happy she fixed this, cause it was getting bad.
Oh hows school? :3 Don't fret, it's been a bit slow for some reason. I see some people on but they haven't replied so idk. Someone did a misspost and I'm headed to imform them about it. xD Awe, shoot! Like I said no rush. :3
It's hard, but I'll survive. Spring Break is around the corner. Oh? They did? I didn't see the mispost, but I assume they probably fixed it by now. Sorry, I didn't get to your RP. Family things came up. I'll try to complete it hopefully tomorrow, no promises though.
I hope they did. From the looks of it, its still a bit confusing. :| child, if you don't listen to me xD if you wanna play it next month I'm cool with it. I'm not stressing over it. :3
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