Comments on Profile Post by Shuhbooty

  1. Taito
    Oh, thank you very much. By the title of it, it looks like it's going to be a Legend of Korra RP. Cool. How are you this evening?
    Mar 19, 2014
  2. Shuhbooty
    Yeah xD I'm good! Just relaxing. How are you? :3
    Mar 19, 2014
  3. Taito
    I am good. Just working on a Roleplay post for another website. I might make a character and join yours tomorrow though.
    Mar 19, 2014
  4. Shuhbooty
    Sounds like fun. Oh sure! Whatever you wanna do. :3 what other roleplay are you into?
    Mar 19, 2014
  5. Taito
    Hm... That's a tough question to answer. Just anything that interests me really. I'm willing to try anything new.
    Mar 19, 2014
  6. Shuhbooty
    That sounds like me xD
    Mar 19, 2014
  7. Taito
    Heh, I do love to RP. I'm disappointed that the RP community here is so... small? By the way, do you know what's going on in Kingdom Hearts: Orgins? I don't understand what is happening.
    Mar 20, 2014
  8. Shuhbooty
    It's small now because of the lack of players. Years ago it was huge. And i mean huge.

    Okay for some reason everyone kinda just met and they're all huddled together? I'm confused myself and I'm trying to ease my way in.
    Mar 20, 2014
  9. Taito
    Ah... How disappointing. I wish I found this website sooner then.

    Hm... I guess I'll see what I can do for a post. I wish everyone would clarify who they're talking to and what's going on.
    Mar 21, 2014
  10. Shuhbooty
    Well, it was fixed. She set different people to a certain part of the world. Max of three people per group. I'm happy she fixed this, cause it was getting bad.
    Mar 21, 2014
  11. Taito
    I haven't been keeping up with it. I'm back from school, but I can't post just yet. By the way, I'll make a character for your RP when I can tonight.
    Mar 21, 2014
  12. Shuhbooty
    Oh hows school? :3 Don't fret, it's been a bit slow for some reason. I see some people on but they haven't replied so idk. Someone did a misspost and I'm headed to imform them about it. xD Awe, shoot! Like I said no rush. :3
    Mar 21, 2014
  13. Taito
    It's hard, but I'll survive. Spring Break is around the corner. Oh? They did? I didn't see the mispost, but I assume they probably fixed it by now. Sorry, I didn't get to your RP. Family things came up. I'll try to complete it hopefully tomorrow, no promises though.
    Mar 22, 2014
  14. Shuhbooty
    I hope they did. From the looks of it, its still a bit confusing. :| child, if you don't listen to me xD if you wanna play it next month I'm cool with it. I'm not stressing over it. :3
    Mar 22, 2014