Comments on Profile Post by ShibuyaGato

  1. Oblivion Keeper
    Oblivion Keeper
    Personal experience?
    Feb 24, 2014
  2. Oblivion Keeper
    Oblivion Keeper
    meow goes the cat - s
    Feb 24, 2014
  3. ShibuyaGato
    It's from an anime called Kill la Kill.
    Feb 24, 2014
  4. Oblivion Keeper
    Oblivion Keeper
    I've heard about that. Guess I should start watching it since I finished Bioshock Infinite and Attack on Titan -k
    Feb 24, 2014
  5. ShibuyaGato
    Yeah, it's really good, but I'd wait until all the episodes are out. I'm got caught up in two days and now I'm sad.

    Also, Bioshock Infinite and AoT are both great. Props for your taste.
    Feb 24, 2014
  6. Oblivion Keeper
    Oblivion Keeper
    Why thank you. I watch AoT when it was complete. Best time yet for watching anime it seems. I also watched some of your AMVs. They're quite impressive. -y
    Feb 24, 2014
  7. ShibuyaGato
    Oh wow, thanks. I'm glad you liked them.
    Feb 24, 2014
  8. Oblivion Keeper
    Oblivion Keeper
    Do you have any tips for an noob at AMVing? -p
    Feb 24, 2014
  9. ShibuyaGato
    Well, you've just gotta keep practicing. What software do you use? I could give you some tut links if you want -- though personally I'm more of a fan of experimentation myself.
    Feb 24, 2014
  10. Oblivion Keeper
    Oblivion Keeper
    Sony Vegas Pro. Used to follow Pwilliard's stuff and try to mimic him, but I lost all those videos. -o
    Feb 24, 2014
  11. ShibuyaGato
    Oh, good. Same software I use. Well, I'm not on my computer with Vegas at the moment, but you can always hit me up with a PM for some advice if you want.
    Feb 24, 2014
  12. Oblivion Keeper
    Oblivion Keeper
    Alright sounds cool. Now I just have to figure out how to pm. lol -o
    Feb 24, 2014
  13. ShibuyaGato
    OH, right. When you're on the forum, click on my avatar and there'll be some text that says "Start a Conversation." Click on that and you'll be at the menu for starting a private conversation between us.
    Feb 24, 2014