Comments on Profile Post by Mysty

  1. Jin
    AH YES! I forgot about playasia how in the world did I forget about them :C I had imported a lot of games from them during 2010 and 12 silly me. Anyways thank you!
    Feb 23, 2014
  2. Mysty
    I see you've used them before. That makes me feel even more confident to order from them. And it beats going through the trouble of importing or getting yen for PSN points.
    Feb 23, 2014
  3. Jin
    It's still importing either way they just do it for you and for a cheap price too. I'm personally though gonna do it through PSN this time because; the game will take a while to get here through importation. so I'd rather have it day 1 if you know what I mean But do you have a psn? I'd love to add you on it.
    Feb 24, 2014
  4. Mysty
    I can wait. I find it to much of a hassle to go through the steps. Besides, I only have a 12gb hard drive and try to conserve downloads. My PSN is Mysteon
    Feb 24, 2014
  5. Jin
    I'll add you now.
    Feb 25, 2014