That doesn't surprise me. I've been gone a long time. I was super active from about 2007/8-2012ish. Then just kinda stopped getting on. I tried popping back in a few times, but kept feeling like I shouldn't post stuff or talk to people. But this time I said, "Screw it." and am just posting away.
I know I've had some other names, my original was sorafangirl, I've been Bliss, Roxiri, um, a bunch of random crap. But Spunk Ransom has pretty much been it. I mostly hid in the Spam Zone or Role Playing Arena before.
Eh, take it as acknowledgemental. I remember you and I remember you for being this and have an opinion of you based on your actions from 6-7 years ago are very different XD
Btw, love your user title. Only because I just played a game that was about stealing the moon XD
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