Comments on Profile Post by Always Dance

  1. Amaury
    Jan 2, 2014
  2. Always Dance
    Always Dance
    Oh, right! I forgot I was totally in my denial stage a while ago, haha. But yeah, that's all changed, and he's really great...ALSO I'M REALLY UPSET THAT THE "VIEW CONVERSATION" FROM BEFORE IS GONE WHERE DID THAT GO
    Jan 2, 2014
  3. Amaury
    It disappeared when we moved to XenForo.

    Visitor messages are now profile comments. It's just like Facebook. So, technically, you didn't need to write a message on my profile, just hit Comment on what I posted on your profile. =P
    Jan 2, 2014
  4. Always Dance
    Always Dance
    Yeah I figured that out a second ago. Still kind of sucks that the past conversation view is gone though, so I can't see the conversations before the move.
    Jan 2, 2014
  5. Amaury
    You can. You'd just need to go back and forth between profiles.
    Jan 2, 2014
  6. Always Dance
    Always Dance
    Exactly...possible but very inconvenient
    Jan 2, 2014
  7. Amaury
    So I noticed you don't have your gender specified (though I obviously know you're a dude, haha!) and your age is hidden. I'm not sure if that's because you consciously did it or things didn't import properly.

    So I'm curious: If it's not because you intentionally did it, how old are ya now, my friend? c:
    Jan 2, 2014
  8. Always Dance
    Always Dance
    Just turned 19! I'll add my age, but I do prefer to keep my gender hidden.
    Jan 2, 2014
  9. Amaury
    Any particular reason? xD

    And last teenage year! Whoo!
    Jan 2, 2014
  10. Always Dance
    Always Dance
    I consider myself to be agendered, and (Going hand-in-hand with that), don't think gender really matters or is something really worth specifying. It's just secondary information to me.

    Last teenage year indeed! But I'll always feel like a kid in many ways.
    Jan 2, 2014
  11. Amaury
    Gotcha. What is agendered, though?

    You never lose your kid spirit, but make your last year as a teenager fun. c:
    Jan 2, 2014
  12. Always Dance
    Always Dance
    It means I don't identify with either gender. I don't think there's anything about me that makes me inherently manly or womanly. It really just lines up with my views on gender...I don't consider anything at all to be truly distinctly masculine or feminine. I think the difference between genders is exaggerated.

    Basically what I mean is, anything you would consider "Girly" or "Boyish," I would consider to be neither of those things. For example, if it was socially acceptable to do so, I would probably wear "Men's" clothes 50% of the time, and "Women's" clothes the other 50%. It doesn't bother me on a personal level that I can't wear women's clothes--I'm not having an identity crisis about it or anything. I just think I would look really good in some women's clothes and I think it's a bummer that I'm not allowed to wear them because I'm perceived as a "Man".

    This making any sense?
    Jan 2, 2014
  13. Amaury
    Yes, it does.

    However, I personally don't think it means anything, even if you identified as a male or female. That's a stereotypical view, in my opinion. =)

    It's like homosexuals. There's no way that homosexuals dress. However, without intentionally trying to be a stereotype (because I'm all for equal rights), I mentioned in my Sexual Preference thread that all the gay guys I ran into either did crazy things like wear really skinny jeans that sagged and had crazy hair color or just dressed really nicely (which a lot of guys in general, regardless of sexuality, don't really do -- I don't mean they dress ugly, but they don't dress really, really nicely, if you get what I'm saying), and people said that was a stereotypical view.

    Check out the thread in Discussion for more detail. You should catch up on it, anyway. =)
    Jan 2, 2014
  14. Always Dance
    Always Dance
    The thing is that to many people, it means /a lot/ what you identify as. It doesn't matter to me at all, I just treat people like people regardless of gender.

    Either way, I don't really feel like a man or a woman. I just feel like a person.
    Jan 2, 2014
  15. Amaury
    Jan 2, 2014