Comments on Profile Post by Hiro ✩

  1. ShibuyaGato
    Oh, well isn't this a surprise. I'd be glad to help. I am the Doctor, after all: here to help!
    Nov 9, 2013
  2. Hiro ✩
    Hiro ✩
    You're as eager as I've been told.

    Now then, as you may know, your companion Clara seems to have disappeared about two days ago. She was brought to Hope's Peak Academy, the school where I resided. Before myself and my associates could escape, they took her once more. Seeing as how it's your companion, I was wondering if you wouldn't happen to know where these aliens may have taken her?

    They looked like walking potatoes, I should add.
    Nov 9, 2013
  3. ShibuyaGato
    Clara? I thought she just popped out for a tick...

    Ohh, Sontarans. I can find her without a problem. It's just the why that's got me all... aaah! Still, we'll get things fixed. Still, I thought I heard about some incident at Hope's Peak. Or has that not happened yet?
    Nov 9, 2013
  4. Hiro ✩
    Hiro ✩
    It has. Oddly enough, I know it wasn't supposed to involve these Sontarans... But something's changed in the timeline.
    Nov 9, 2013
  5. ShibuyaGato
    Yea, I can see that. Don't worry though... I'll stop them.
    Nov 9, 2013
  6. Hiro ✩
    Hiro ✩
    One last question... Has the timeline become fixed? Is it meant to stay this way forever?
    Nov 9, 2013
  7. ShibuyaGato
    No... I don't think so. I should be able to go back and keep the Sontarans from ever having meddled. All will be as it should be.
    Nov 9, 2013
  8. Hiro ✩
    Hiro ✩
    Then we won't meet..? Intriguing...
    Nov 10, 2013