Oh yeah :D Well, perhaps not an addiction, just a liking and a desire for a change of avatar and signature. I have always loved the X men but never got around to watching them until recently :D and they were amazing! As good as I was expecting.
Oooh, Left 4 Dead 2! I played that soo much at one point, I think I racked up about 150 hours in a couple of weeks which was slightly worrying since it was during exam time O.o but I haven't touched the game in so long- who do you like to play as best?
Me too actually. Except I played at least 72 Hours total in one week. And that was during the summer. For the Survivors? It doesn't matter. For the Infected.... Spitter, Hunter, Charger and the Tank. Suck at Smoker, Boomer and Jockey though....
I know. And once, I can do that on the first level of The Parish! If one or two members are down, it's easier if you know what you are doing! :3
I'm Getting annoyed with Rochelle as well. I love it when Coach thinks of food even in a Zombie Apocalypse, Louis also thinks of fellow Valve games like TF2 or Counter-Strike, and I love the others! "I hate trains."
It is xD having a tank that knows what they are doing is good, not just running toward the survivors as they shall die. I think there was a time when I kind of knew and could be good but I just haven't played in so long xD
Yeah, man, I had to think what Louis looked like for a moment xD I just love how they develop the characters through the things they say and how they react, like Coach and his food.
I just got bored of the game because I played it so much and I don't think it's installed on my computer any more. I just moved on to games like Guild Wars 2 but my graphics card is terrible in this computer anyway xD things always lag.
My video card in my laptop is good, the only problem is the RAM, which is 4GB. I am planning to upgrade it to 8 so that I can run GTA IV faster in high graphics.
And so many people attempt to explain it to me and it just goes over my head xD Oh well, I suppose I understand some things that others don't so I'm not fussed.
Can't complain, in the middle of "I REALLY WANT TO DO SOMETHING USEFUL!" and "Man, I love lazing around :3" I haven't left the house in 2 days which isn't good and I don't want to fall into the trap of doing nothing for a year xD but yeah, how are you?
Lol. Yeah, you should go out more. I shouldn't talk though....
I'm Fine. Tired of singing practices. There's a songfest in my school where the Freshmen up to the Seniors face against each other (by classes.) And when my class makes it to the finals, we'll perform in the mall! Woot!
Umm.... It's not really a school vs. school competition. It's more of the Freshmen, the Sophomores, The Juniors and Seniors compete against each other with two Categories. Category A for the Freshmen and Sophomores, And Category B For the Juniors and Seniors.
Exactly! XD It did also mean going this thing every year called dedication day and singing. Now, I am a Christian but dedication day is the most boring thing I have ever been to (it's basically done in the Cathedral and general church stuff). I luckily only ever had to go once and never again will I suffer it! MWHAHAHA!
So, you were raised in a christian household? Man, I wish I was, my parents believe but that's about it, they don't really act upon it much. Not a problem as it's their choice though.
I was majorly down yesterday D: my friend was being a bit of an idiot so I went and treated myself to a really good sandwich and a whole toblerone (the medium sized ones) and watched Lilo and Stitch which just made me cry xD I am feeling a lot better today though even with a bit of a heacache.
And that sucks D: Did it give you a power cut as well or was it just "I WANT TO GO OUTSIDE!"?
Thanks xD I am getting there thanks. I do love Lilo and Stitch but I swear I have watched it many times and only on friday did I actually understand what it was about... which is probably quite bad.
Well, I hope it passed quickly with little damage :3
Lol. To be honest, I have a tendency to forget things easily....
Yeah.... but besides that, there was a massive earthquake at around the middle part of my country.... about 80 or more people are dead....
Hope you feel better! I know.... but my class isn't that disappointed. We kinda expected that we would be in 4th place, after we saw the other classes perform. And the class that won didn't have any help from their adviser! That's amazing!!
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