Yeah, but don't change it, do your work otherwise you will be up at 3AM and your desire for other things will decrease and you will have this war between work and play. Make sure you stay in school so you can get more out of your education >:3
It is no reference to anything xD I just needed something to put there and I couldn't think of anything witty. You may rent it >:3 but you must pay with your soul.
Oh, and also, I'm making us both sig gifs for the best bromance category, and I think you'll love yours, but I just wanted to ask one thing. Would you rather have it be in color or black and white?
I prefer colours but sometimes things look better in black and white so go with your instinct, or do both and I will choose. Oooh, I am excited :D these will be fabulous! WOOOOOO!
Yeah, I'll probably just make both, but it's essentially a mash up of all our headcanons (yours will have Riku, Watson, Eleven and Five while mine has Sora, Sherlock, Rory and Ten).
IT WILL BE GLORIOUS, just like your usertitle if I do say so myself. >:3
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