Comments on Profile Post by nasirrich

  1. Styx
    Thank you for your kind words. I wish that I was more prolific and you'd have more to keep an eye out for, but inspiration is a fickle thing in my mind. I strive to make every piece something I can be proud of though. Thanks again.
    Aug 26, 2013
  2. nasirrich
    Prolific you say... Hmmmm... Ever hear of this thread called Home of the Poets?

    You're very welcome by the way c:
    Aug 26, 2013
  3. Styx
    I've read some of your work. Your style is very different from mine but I find if very innovative. I love the themes you pick and you how elaborate how them so eloquently.
    And yes, I have heard of that thread. Never checked it out though. Let's see...
    Aug 26, 2013
  4. nasirrich
    Oh heheheh thank you very much ^^" I was just wondering and I just wanted to say you got another fan of your works I really do enjoy them a lot. So much talent yet very little light is shine unto you which I find very hard to believe
    Aug 26, 2013
  5. Styx
    Thanks. I think part of the reason that my work doesn't get a lot of attention is the fact that I'm not very active myself. I try to comment on at least two other writers before uploating something of mine (speaking of which, I haven't done that for my latest entry...), else I don't think I'd be read much at all.

    I think the other reason is that some of my works are so inaccessible that it just turns off a lot of people. The atmosphere, the imagery... It all makes sense to me, but I can understand why it's so hard to get into for other people. I bet you don't have that problem though: your poems are very coherent and detailed.
    Aug 26, 2013
  6. nasirrich
    The thing is I'm not as well known as you are. That's why I see a problem with you not being talked about when it comes to poetry. Branching out shouldn't be a problem for you which is why I find it very odd you aren't really know for your works like you should be even if you upload one lets say every 2-3 weeks(Not saying that's true but just and example.)

    The samples of your others works you've blessed this site with still should get more people's attention. You're breaking grounds with your abilities and I feel like I have sinned hard for not realizing your works earlier please forgive me.
    Aug 26, 2013
  7. Styx
    Hey, no problem, I'm just glad you discovered me now (and vice-versa)! I saw that you've been nominated for Best Poet too. You're definitely a strong bet for gold. Good luck.
    Aug 26, 2013
  8. nasirrich
    No I'd rather you, Maka, Oda, Night, or Hyuge win it not me. You're all more talented than I am.
    Aug 26, 2013