Thanks : D I need to do a lot of venting really- sadly it's just I may not be able to go study medicine in 2014 like I was hoping to simply because I got a B in biology (I still got AAA in 3 other subjects which is what you normally need to get into medicine). I am going to have to go through a lot of work in the coming year and it may end up being for nothing basically if I don't get in.
Congratulations Biu! :3 I have been camping which was amazing and I miss it already. I did some night stewarding which involved staying up all night and patrolling the site or guarding gates (to control who comes and goes into the vacinity) or general site management stuff. It was so fun but it was hard because I had to sleep during the day which is a real challenge when the camp site is alive with people and sunlight xD
Sorry, I mean lightish red >:3 and not just any red, manly red!
Well, I was a night steward so I didn't actually sleep in a tent as you get given a small hut with a proper bed in. It's to help you sleep in the day as sleeping in a tent suring the day when the campsite is lively is very difficult. I didn't do too much really, it was mostly just nighjt stewarding stuff and sitting around talking and sleeping. Incredibly eventful really xD
Tidying my room, decluttering it, it's making me feel great :D just to declutter my life a bit. I tend to hoard things which isn't great and I need to get rid of stuff that I own.
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