Sunday sounds fine. I will have you know, my life explodes next thursday... it is results day and it may be the day that I find out whether I got into Cardiff or not (I may find out a few days afterwards ;-;) but I am going to be a quivering wreck to say the least.
Ah. Well, I know how you feel since getting my results for the SAT+ACT was stressful as hell. Still, I'm sure you did great, and you know I'll be here if you need to relieve some tension with some good, old-fashioned scrotum tick*shot*.
That just sounds wrong xD you get your results so quickly I swear! It would be quite nice to get mine so quickly as this waiting as made me think and when I think of how well I did in exams it doesn't go well. I just have no idea how I would have done in some of my subjects.
It's probably because both of them are standardized tests (save for the essay portions). And whatever happens, you did the best that you could. I know for a fact that you were doing revisions for the longest time, and that means you were prepared. You just have to keep calm until you know what your scores actually are; in the meantime, you've always got apps you can burn.
xD Oh yes, the problem is whether my best was good enough- I know for a fact that I messed up on a few questions (especially in Psychology which is very worrying) and I am trying not to think too much about it and make any assumptions because then I just won't be able to sleep.
I thought I'd done really well in my psychology in January but I came out with a C in that which was a horrific blow and I just hope that I learned from that mistake and brought up my psychology score. Of course, only time will tell and thursday is looming around the corner.
I know how you feel. I've done exactly the same, but what's done is done. Whatever happens, you'll have to move past it, and I'm sure that it won't be too bad anyway (I mean, a C is still passing, and you've had time to improve since then).
I'm sorry, I really just suck at pep talks when I'm talking about something that I suffer from too.
Oh yes, well for A level, an E is a pass just a very low one. It won't be the end of the world as I shall adapt but it's just such a horrible thought that all the work I put in won't have paid off and I won't be able to go for medicine or worse I'll do so badly I won't even be able to go for Psychology which is my back up plan.
You just have to take it as it comes. You've done all you can do, and you just have to distract yourself in the meantime (and pool is a nice way to do that if you ask me). Still, I do have faith in you, and I'm hoping you get what you deserve (which is perfection because nubs only deserve perfection >:3).
Because my exams weren't required to pass the class. The county got rid of midterms and finals after seeing how many tests we take over the course of the regular school year.
Oh yes. And tomorrow will be an absolute pleasure for me (between the third round of the Trivia Tournament and talking to you, I'll either die of excitement or die of exhaustion xD).
Oh yes! When you know they're available and you're about to see them, just say "Geronimo." :3
I hope so, but I'm up against both HoT and libre, so it'll be tough. And even if I do win round three, I'll have to go up against Krowley in the finals... ;-;
I have no idea what I will do on thursday xD I don't know who I'll be with and I don't know how I'll open taht envelope... I swear that is the hardest part...
Oooh, tough but it's a challenge that you should face with pride! It'll be fabulous.
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