Comments on Profile Post by Amaury

  1. Styx
    Yeah, quite a while ago in fact. I was a sectional mod charged with Discussion and Literature.
    Aug 2, 2013
  2. Amaury
    Have you ever considered applying again?
    Aug 2, 2013
  3. Styx
    Nah. The reason I quit in the first place was because I lost my motivation for it and things got busy for me in real life. I believe it wouldn't be any different if I re-applied now.
    Are they looking for new staff members then? Why don't you give it a shot?
    Aug 3, 2013
  4. Amaury
    Not currently, no.

    I've applied a few times, but was rejected each time. The first time was because of some issues I had. The second I improved on a lot of those, but still had a few. Then the third time, which was back in April, that I just recently asked about was because they weren't looking for staff.
    Aug 3, 2013