Comments on Profile Post by Styx

  1. Peace and War
    Peace and War
    Cleaned my response up too.
    If you wanted to add to the discussion, please, go on.
    Jul 25, 2013
  2. Styx
    Thanks; I'll pass. The reason I was annoyed in the first place was because I didn't feel like spending more time comparing and establishing definitions than actual debating. I didn't even have to do that until Makaze, Sforzato and the like took over the Debate Corner, hence the comparison.
    Jul 25, 2013
  3. Peace and War
    Peace and War
    I understand, honestly I only put that because that's what i thought/believed. I'm more a guy that focuses on the idea than than the actual situation or context, which is a fault when arguing about certain things.
    And i know what you mean, some people don't debate the question in any capacity, stating a continuous copy paste attitude and ideas.
    I'll try to improve on this type of discussion in the future, I like to think i don't do it much but Invuess I might.
    Anyway, all the best, man.
    Jul 25, 2013
  4. Styx
    Indeed you don't, which is why me lashing out at you for it wouldn't have been fair. In hindsight I got more annoyed than I should have been. All the best to you too.
    Jul 25, 2013