Comments on Profile Post by PrincessKairixXx

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  2. PrincessKairixXx
    Anytime x) Yeah, so even if people make fun of you, in a way....innocence is worth more xD
    Jul 29, 2013
  3. sonicfan23
    XD It's true. I don't get made fun of anymore. But you know...It's good advice :D
    Jul 29, 2013
  4. PrincessKairixXx
    Me niether...well maybe because I haven't seen anyone but my brother since May xD I intend to get plenty of insults once school starts again. Thanks, I thought so x) Always value innocence and eventually people will give up trying to change you. It's a good thing to be in today's world.
    Jul 29, 2013
  5. sonicfan23
    Aww, well that's sad X( Well, nobody outright tries to change me...which is nice. Yeah, today's's so sad XD
    Jul 29, 2013
  6. PrincessKairixXx
    Good, they better not x) In middle school, people wanted to change everything about me xD So I changed myself. I still have critics, but I don't care. As long as my friends can tolerate me. xD Well forget the rest of the world, there needs to be more people like you, me, and Starlight x3
    Jul 29, 2013
  7. sonicfan23
    Awww X( That's sad :( Well, the world needs sane people is what they need XD I think we're sane...enough XD
    Jul 29, 2013
  8. PrincessKairixXx
    It's no big deal, I kind of like it when people don't like me...I don't have to make small talk with them xD During school, I'm a big dork. In the middle of a class I'll just start jotting down amv ideas whenever I get the chance. That's also what I used to do in the middle of the night when I got an idea xD
    I don't know if I could call us sane...x) But whatever, sanity is just a myth! xD
    Jul 30, 2013
  9. sonicfan23
    Haha, that is very true XD Haha, well, you should always jot down AMV ideas when you get the chance!
    Well, we're sane within insanity, in a way. Don't ask, I'll just confuse us both XD
    Jul 30, 2013
  10. PrincessKairixXx
    If I don't have paper I just write them on my hands xD DarkRoxasxXx noticed them once. He said they were cool ideas x) oh no Sonic, y u do this to us xD excuse me while I ponder that for a few hours
    Jul 31, 2013
  11. sonicfan23
    Hahhaha XD Well at least he thought they were cool! XD Wow, you'll have a hard time pondering that XD
    Jul 31, 2013
  12. PrincessKairixXx
    He's very supportive...even though in his mind, writing on your hands is like witchcraft xD I had lots of cool ideas for some of his favorite songs, I wish I could've made those. Maybe he would've been a more active editor. far I have nothing xD
    Jul 31, 2013
  13. sonicfan23
    Hahaha, awww, well, someday you'll be able to do them!
    Jul 31, 2013
  14. PrincessKairixXx
    I can't wait...maybe people will stop unsubscribing to me xD
    Aug 1, 2013
  15. sonicfan23
    Aug 1, 2013
  16. PrincessKairixXx
    I wish x) I'm probably going to be back to 99 subscribers pretty soon. I'd at least be at 125 if nobody unsubscribed
    Aug 2, 2013
  17. sonicfan23
    Awww. Just under a hundred! Well, it's better than only 11 XD
    Aug 2, 2013
  18. PrincessKairixXx
    D'aww x3 well you deserve a lot more than that. What's annoying is how a lot of sucky people are popular..why xD
    Aug 4, 2013
  19. sonicfan23
    Aww, thanks, that means a lot :D
    I know, it's weird...probably because they have a TON of money.
    Aug 4, 2013
  20. PrincessKairixXx
    Of course x) You're a great editor and I really enjoy watching your videos :)
    True...that, and from what I was taught, people are attracted to people who do wrong and live in sin. The worst people seem to be the most popular...
    Aug 9, 2013
  21. sonicfan23
    Hey, you are too :D
    Well, that's true. All those TV shows you watch where the popular girl is the mean one? They actually meant something.
    Aug 11, 2013
  22. PrincessKairixXx
    Thanks, it means a lot :) Aren't we just nice x)
    Yeah, you're right....the popular one is kind of like an evil slave driver that is worshiped by lower minions xD It's like these people are a metaphor for the devil himself...that's deep.
    Aug 11, 2013
  23. sonicfan23
    We're very nice :D
    Whoah...that is deep XD
    Aug 11, 2013
  24. PrincessKairixXx
    As a new school year resolution...I vow to be the nice girl xD I don't want to be a metaphor for that...even though it is deep xD
    We can be like Sora and be a symbol of all that is good x3
    Aug 11, 2013
  25. sonicfan23
    Best resolution...ever XD
    Whoah...that's even more deep. Your sagely wisdom knows now bounds XD
    Aug 12, 2013
  26. PrincessKairixXx
    D'aww xD I try to be a wise princess, they didn't put me in charge for nothing x3 jk.
    But that is how I look at it sometimes- Sora's like a person who spreads God's love everywhere he goes x3 it's fun that way
    Aug 12, 2013
  27. sonicfan23
    Wise Princess's FTW
    Well, Sora is the "Jesus" of our story, right? Although he probably won't be nailed to a cross and all of that...That sounds painful.
    Aug 13, 2013
  28. PrincessKairixXx
    We all have our fair share of wisdom x)
    Yeah, I used to look at it like that too...but then people would be all "blasphemy!" so I changed it a bit x)
    Aug 13, 2013
  29. sonicfan23
    Wisdom is awesome...but it isn't as cool in KH2.
    Yeah...He'll probably just stay alive throughout KH3 and never die until his natural death...
    Aug 13, 2013
  30. PrincessKairixXx
    Oh, you mean like wisdom form? I liked master form the best x3 DarkRoxasxXx likes wisdom the best since he can shoot with the Keyblade. Disney movies, the protagonist doesn't die, so...x3 jk. I bet he'll have the most epic death ever
    Aug 13, 2013
  31. sonicfan23
    Yeah, wisdom form is probably my least favorite XD
    This is very true, but this is Square we're talking about...I dunno. XD
    Aug 14, 2013
  32. PrincessKairixXx
    Ahaha yeah xD mine too. I mean, I like it, but I like master much better. Though I like the wisdom form outfit x3 but master just seemed more functional and efficient to me. Honestly though.I didn't know for a while because I played the whole game without using forms xD "I'll save this for when I really need it"
    Aug 14, 2013
  33. sonicfan23
    Yeah, the Wisdom Form Outfit is a cool one. It actually find Valor to be the most efficient because of it's combo's and stuff IMO.
    Wow, you did? That is pretty hardcore XD
    Aug 15, 2013
  34. PrincessKairixXx
    I only used valor like a couple of times after I won the game xD I liked it, but I couldn't rebound so I started using master. Using thunder in that form is so fun x3 but the combos really are fantastic. I like it better than final form because it doesn't take up as much...chakra xD after playing naruto I call everything chakra. A trend started by my brother x)
    Aug 16, 2013
  35. sonicfan23
    I understand, Master is pretty cool. XD Chakra, haha. I was into both Naruto and DBZ for a while, so I was balanced enough not to call everything Chakra or Ki XD
    Aug 16, 2013
  36. PrincessKairixXx
    I just think it could've had a cooler oufit x) Oh well. It's not bad.
    Ahaha well that's nice xD I watched DBZ all the time when I was little, yet I remember almost none of it...
    Aug 16, 2013
  37. sonicfan23
    Yeah...Like Purple! That would've been cool!
    DBZ doesn't have a memorable story is the problem XD I'm a DBZ nerd though, so I know it pretty well XD
    Aug 16, 2013
  38. PrincessKairixXx
    OH MY GOSH IT WOULD'VE. Especially since it's "Master" form and purple is a symbol of higher status...good thinking, you little genius you x3
    Oh, how sad xD that explains a lot. I used to watch it every day so I wondered why I didn't know....funny, a lot of my friends like DBZ, Naruto, Sonic, and Zelda. I apparently gravitate towards these people x)
    Aug 16, 2013
  39. sonicfan23
    Whoah...dat connection that I didn't see XD You're a genius too :D
    DBZ's story isn't the focus though, so it's all good :D Those people are the best kind of people :D
    Aug 16, 2013
  40. PrincessKairixXx
    We' xD I like that.
    Oh, that's creative x) Every little snippet of episode I remember didn't have much of related ideas. Except finding dragon balls x) Oh my gosh someone's selling all the dragon balls on ebay for $239.99! That's expensive! ...but it would've been handy during the show x)
    Haha I'd have to agree with that :) The only one of those I'm really familiar with is Naruto xD my friends have more stuff in common with each other than me
    Aug 16, 2013
  41. sonicfan23
    Co-Geniuses FTW
    Let's face it, they would've been able to buy those and not put a dent in their wallets XD
    Well, it's always...interesting to be the person in the group that just somehow fits in, right? XD
    Aug 16, 2013
  42. PrincessKairixXx
    We just rock too hard. xD Another thing I noticed the other day...since valor is physical attacks and is red and wisdom is magic and is blue...
    valor + wisdom = master
    red + blue = purple
    Mind blown once again. We're smarter than we ever thought. xD
    True, I mean, if they wanted the dragon balls bad enough they could afford it xD
    You know, I'm always the one in the group that doesn't totally fit in, but just belongs x) Our high school is made up of two middle schools- North and South. I'm always the ex-band kid from South who is colored at a table full of band kids from North who are white xD
    Aug 18, 2013
  43. sonicfan23
    OH YES!! :D
    Whoah...that is epci XD
    Oh, they could've afforded it and MORE XD Have you seen how much they give for winning those tournaments? XD
    XD I'm always...I dunno, the weird kid who tries to fit in and has a weird circle of friends that includes both relatively popular people and not-so-popular people? I think that's where I fit.
    Aug 18, 2013
  44. PrincessKairixXx
    We need to go complain to Square for not using the same logic. xD jk.
    I haven't...I need to find a complete DVD set or something x) Maybe it'll help me fit in xD
    Hey, that's how my friends are too! Some people everyone has heard of and some myself x3 But it's weird because I know people who don't know me and people I don't know know, y u no make sense xD
    Aug 18, 2013
  45. sonicfan23
    It's something really high XD
    World, u no make sense, I kill u now...wait, what? XD jk I no kill u world.
    Aug 18, 2013
  46. PrincessKairixXx
    Something better spent on dragon balls, right? x3
    Oh dang. You watch out, world. The Knight of the Wind means business.
    Aug 19, 2013
  47. sonicfan23
    Yep, pretty much.
    Oh yes, I mean business...although I never intend to end the world unless God wants me too XD
    Aug 19, 2013
  48. PrincessKairixXx
    Oh dang, what if that was your destiny? xD ...I'd still consider you a friend x3
    Aug 19, 2013
  49. sonicfan23
    OH YES!
    Well, if God ended the world, we would end up in heaven, so it would be cool :D
    Aug 19, 2013
  50. PrincessKairixXx
    OH NO XD jk. Oh no for them, at least x)
    True...hey, I would get to meet you xD How cool is that
    Aug 19, 2013
  51. sonicfan23
    That would be pretty cool :D
    Aug 19, 2013