She probably will, once I pulled up my picture and she said "Christina looks just like you here!"
Me: ...that's me.
Her: ...oh.
She can't tell us apart. xD
Maybe a little, not so much that my own MOM shouldn't be able to tell who I am xD I found something weird out today...she's exactly my height. xD So we have height, hair, and a little bit of the face in common. Except now her hair is all different x)'s pretty bad if my mom can't tell us apart. xD But really, I don't look THAT much like her. Especially now, she has a completely different look. Once, I was watching one of her covers and my brother came in and said "Woah, is that you?!" Nobody knows me. xD
Lucky! Mine grows at about half the rate of everyone elses'. xD Maybe because it's really thick, I'm not sure. Let's say you get a bad haircut. How long does yours take to recover? Mine takes about a month to look right, and a year to reach its previous length xD
Well if you knew me in person, you'd probably know more about me than most people xD How sad
Maybe it's because everything in my life likes to be difficult. x3 It must be a case of the bad luck.
Lucky, I'm too afraid to do anything with my hair because I have to live with it for so long xD
Another thing is guys usually have shorter hair than girls, so there's not as much to grow back. You get your hair back in no time...whereas for me, a haircut is a life-changing decision xD
XD That might be it
Aww, don't live in fear XD
Haha, yeah, that's true XD I have shorter hair than my sisters, but in our co-op I have the longest hair of all of the boys XD
Taking risks is too dangerous when your hair is dumb xD I'll just have Christina's old hair forever. I think it looks nice. x)
Aww, do you have just sisters? x3 You should hair flip all the time just to annoy them x) I kept doing it in a restaurant though and I got a compliment xD
Well, this is true. Well, that's good. Have hair you like!
No, I have a baby brother :D I could...but that would be a habit I have to develop XD Well, the restaurant's job is to compliment, so that was probably it XD
Aww x3 I'm the baby of my family...including my half brother and half sister. And technically the dog xD
Do it, every guy who has long enough hair should hair flip xD Darn, then they probably just thought I looked emo x)
Haha XD I was the same age as my Grandparents Dog when I was twelve...He's gone now X( But he lived a long life for a Dog, so all is good :D
Maybe I will...I used to, but now I just push it to the side XD Well, at least they didn't say it out loud, right?
Awww. I hope he had a happy life :) I love dogs, they're the best :D
Once, I was walking down the hall at school and I saw DarkRoxasxXx, so I said hi. I guess he didn't hear me and he just flipped his hair at me xD I was totally okay with that.
The moral of that story flipping is just cool. xD
True...everyone in my school already said it out loud xD
They're great when they don't attack you. We had a dog named Lucy...she ran away a while ago. Never saw her again X(
Haha, for some reason I find that hilarious XD
Yep. Every story has a moral XD
Aww, that's sad X(
Awww D: that's so sad. I don't know what I'd do if my dog ran away...well whenever he gets out, he gets hungry and comes back x) He knows not to go too far.
It was hilarious, but at the same time, it was cool xD Hair flips just rock.
Nah, it was just a joke to everyone x) Calling me emo all the time, since I'm quiet and look kind of emo. They used to do the same thing to DarkRoxasxXx when we were in different schools, apparently. At least he doesn't have dark hair, then they wouldn't leave him alone x) But I've been getting it for about seven years now? Yeah, something like that.
Aww xD My dog does bad things we have to give him less room to do bad x) And whenever he did get loose, it was because my parents didn't watch him when they opened the front door.
Yeah, I mean, it wasn't that big a deal, except when people thought I was really emo and kept trying to look at my wrists. That was annoying. Now my brother likes to chase me around stores calling me a scene kid. Which is also annoying.
Yeah, he time, he left in the middle of the night, so my dad got in his truck and went looking for soon as he left, my dog came back xD He's just awesome like that.
Oh, they all thought I cut myself. So I'd have to hold up my wrists like five times every day to prove that I don't xD Now that was annoying
Yeah, especially since my dad didn't have a phone so he was out there looking for him for a long time xD I love that dog. But he's kinda strange...when I twitch, he twitches. When he had one grey hair, I had he has two and I have two xD Creepy. Yet kind of cool.
Yeah, that's an emo kid stereotype, so they all naturally applied it to me xD I don't cut. I'm just a klutz. xD
Haha I know, I know x) So you'd be somewhere around 9th grade by now? I'm a senior...and I'm 16. I'm screwed. xD I don't know what I wan to do with my life!! But my point is you learn a lot about...everything x) between middle school and high school. Like, it's life-changing xD I'd be so lost if I was homeschooled, since I'm already a misfit x)
Yeah, pretty much. XD Well, you'll figure it out!
Yeah, I hear that. Homeschoolers do sound like the type that are out of the popular and well-known sorts of things.
*sigh* I hope so. I've been praying about it for years, but nothing's come to me yet.
Well that's good, it leaves room for creativity! :D But I'm probably the closest to being like a homeschooled kid in my school- I'm "too innocent" and I don't really know what's "popular" until a few months after everyone has whatever it is x)
Well, God knows :D He just has to tell you.
GO CREATIVITY! Haha XD I was the same in 4th Grade-I never got a Bakugan until near the end of when it was super popular XD
He's keeping me in the dark still x) I wish he'd just fill me in a little so I'd know what I was doing.
Aww x) I never got into Bakugan...when I was in fourth grade, it was all about Pokemon. And I was all up in that. xD
I will, I will. I haven't lost faith :) Just a lot of time.
Oh, they still have them in the toy section!! ..don't ask how I know that x3 They're all new-generation though. No more lego torchics x) Now back when I was in elementary school, everybody knew about pokemon. Everyone watched the show, and adults talked about selling pokemon merchandise in their stores x3 good times
Aww, I never had any...mine were hand-me-downs that I had to give away xD And when I was in preschool, they gave us presents for christmas. I saw a bunch of huge legos and i was so excited!! ...apparently those were for the boys. they gave us baby dolls...little did they know I was terrified of babies xD
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