I really hope im not taking a bigger bite than i can chew, but, I was gonna use Flat Foot Face by Stan SB, what do you think? Also how has your day been ? mine has been one worthy of playing Lazy Afternoons. DIS BED.
Sounds cool! Use whatever song you want haha. Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you. College is sucking up all my free time :'|
Thanks for the lock. When it gets to that point and the question's already been answered professionally without those "specific" comments, a lock request is the best choice to make, IMO.
It's not that I don't like them per se, it's more like those are less tailored to my interests and more core requirements, lol.
I see. Yeah, math for me is okay, and I find it easier to do with help from my instructor. The instructions overcomplicate things. I've got packets for homework, and I'm currently on 3.7, which is diving fractions and mixed numbers. Additionally, math is the only GED test I have left to take. I can afford a 410, the lowest passing score, since my average is pretty high thanks for scoring high on my other tests. The maximum score you can get is 800, which is a perfect. You need an average of 450 across all tests to pass. Reading: 480 Writing: 700 Social Studies: 530 Science: 550 Current average: 565 If I get the lowest passing score of 410 on math, my average will still be 534, and I'll get my GED!
Did you get my response? Only asking because I'm not sure if responses to automated PCs are seen, so just want to make sure. c:
Haven't started yet, I'm just finishing up preparations for leaving haha. But all that is okay so far. What about you?
I am doing great, too, thanks! I'm currently on a break from GED class and don't go back until September 23.
You no visit Tuesday, Wednesday or yesterday. =P Then again, you're probably busy being an awesome person in college, so I declare you awesome again! :3
Yeah I was flying out and moving in, didn't even have my computer until last night & I had a bunch of mandatory stuff to go to on campus so. No time to log on haha. And I probably won't be back to normal for a bit still buuuut hopefully soon.
Yo starbut! Whats up? How are you? How is life? Anyway, i always partake in the MEPs, but i dont wanna post in that thread, I wanna post something with my 1000th post, but yhea, add me to the list and stuff ;-)
Trivial, but when you get a chance, please fix my typo here? :3 In the last sentence before the quotes start, it should be "could have been."
Technically speaking yes, but I made it lowercase as a style choice and not out of ignorance for grammar rules lol.
Thank you! Chev made it for me c: and ahh that's awesome, I'm jealous haha. The art and music in Zero are fantastic!
Ahh I knew it was from one of the album covers but I didn't know which one, cool : P Yup! As Mega Man music should be ahahah.
The last one or the one before? Also, I still remember that pirate avatar you had when we first met! =D
This one: http://oi44.tinypic.com/2vsfcw5.jpg The Monkey Island one? Hahah, takes me back. Chev made that one for me too. c:
I just never filled it in? Hahah, I don't think it's imperative; it's pretty obvious I'm a girl. Or at least I would hope, with this username. xD
It's in your Personal Details. You should choose and save your gender just for me. =P Anyway, personally, I feel like Stardust could be either gender. Just seems like a neutral name.