Now when I was little, I didn't even have THAT. I had a burger king toy shaped like a gameboy color with a bulbasaur picture on it. xD The "background" was a spiny wheel thing that spun when you pressed a button. That's what we did for fun. xD
Haha aww x) I know, just teasing ;)
I got into it somewhere between preschool and kindergarten x3 Ever since I was little, I'd have dreams about my favorite games, or even making my own games. I was a little dork x)
I think video games have been around me since I was three, but I never really got into until my Grandparents bought a Gamecube for me to play at their house (they actually still have it today.) And then I played Sonic Adventure at my friends house. And BOOM. I'm here XD I have quite a bit to thank of the Blue Blur :D
Aww, that's cute x3 My grandparents are in a foreign country. xD Never met them.
My older brother has always been really interested in technology so he got our dad to buy him a PS1 when I was four. It came with Spyro 2....I fell in love x3 In kindergarten, we had a notebook that we could write in or draw in every day. I always drew scenes from videogames xD
I feel kinda bad, because they get all emotional when they see me on skype, and I'm thinking 'I don't really know you so I feel nothing' xD I'm horrible, I know.
Man, I wish I could find that notebook....I found a couple of drawings of Starfire xD I loved her when I was little
Still, shouldn't I have some sort of feeling since they're related to me? Not just act like I'm meeting a stranger? Oh well, I was socialized weird so I don't quite act how I should xD And there are a lot of things normal people know that I have no clue about. I feel like Starfire not knowing many Earth customs xD
I also liked Raven. I wanted to be her for halloween so bad x3 I used to have dreams where I had her was awesome xD
Hmmm...well, you could just try and get to know them...unless they don't speak english, then you'd have a problem XD
Yeah, I'm the same XD I can't think of anything I do differently. But I do know that I didn't know that Graffiti was illegal for a long time XD
I've never been any Teen Titan for's sad, I know XD Ravens powers are the best XD She's great too, I loved the episode where Cyborg and Beast boy went into her mind, that was amazing XD
They sort of do...x3 But they're super awkward. Or maybe I am x)
Awww xD It took me a few years to figure out that wasn't illegal x) And why people buy horseradish if it's so bad...still not sure I get it x3
Niether have I, it's not sad....well, maybe I'm sad- I haven't done anything for halloween for years xD I always have homework....*sigh*
OHH THAT EPISODE WAS SO COOL XD I also liked the one with the guy from the book that turned out to be the evil dragon and he taught her dark magic. That one was cool.
Awww XD
I hear horseradish tastes good...From my Dad XD
I probably will again, you know, homeschooling XD STUPID HOMEWORK!!!!
That was a great episode as well. Oh, so many amazing Teen Titans episodes XD
Really? That's the first place I've ever heard it xD You sure he's telling the truth..? jk x3
Lucky! People stopped inviting me to parties because they know I can never go! I don't have too many friends left x3 Why do they have to give us homework on the holidays anyways?
I KNOW I COULD WATCH THAT SHOW ALL DAY!! I really like the Terra ones :D Sorry I haven't been on much, haven't been feeling so hot lately x)
I don't know if that was horseradish, actually...who knows XD
Stupid homework XD STUPID SCHOOL!!! AUGH!!!
ONE OF THE BEST SHOWS EVER!!!! I really like all of the episodes XD The one that really sticks in my mind is the one where Beast Boy wants a moped, or however that's spelled XD
Oh, maybe it wasn't horseradish x3 You should ask him about it xD another thing like that is what you're supposed to put on turkey sandwiches. I had my first one less than five years ago...I had no idea what to put on it. My parents weren't any better. xD
Oh, that's a good one...DarkRoxasxXx likes the one with Larry x3 The little mini-robin guy whose name is Dick Grayson backwards. Yeah, so do you...either we're nerds, or we have great taste...I'm leaning towards that last one x)
I wish I had Netflix! I'm watching the first episode on YouTube...if the Teen Titans still had as much trouble fighting as they did in this episode, I'd respect them a lot less. Robin just ended up breaking everyones' falls in the first fight. xD poor guy
Are you talking about the one where they all meet? Because that wasn't the first episode on the DVD that we got from the library. Yes, it was Season 1 XD
I like Jinx, and as much as I want to slap Gizmo for his bad mouth, I have to admit...he's hilarious x) I also like Terra, if you'd consider her a villain.
He was a super cool character...even if he did frustrate the tar out of you x) It would be boring without him!!
Starfire: Robin, who is this girl, and why does she call you "poo?"
That will always stick in my memory x) Kitten was Killer Moth's teenage daughter. She nasty. xP
Instantly the Avril Lavigne song comes to mind xD Why does he have to go and make things so complicated! jk x)
True. That was practically Tameranian puberty so there was a lot of development there x) jk.
Well...I think you blocked it out for a reason xD I must warn you, it's a very frightening episode.
XD I remember that song. All he does is make me frustrated! XD
Well, if anything is true, it's that. Except the only change about Starfire was the fact that she could shoot lasers out of her eyes XD
Maybe I did...Is Kitten Human-looking, or does she look like an alien?
Good, because I absolutely love Avril Lavigne. x) I knoww! Especially in that "Haunted" episode, where he only appears to Robin...the end of that one will bother me for the rest of my life. xD
True x) But she uses it a lot in the when Red X hits on her so she shoots him in the face x3
She's normal...ish x) Blonde hair, blue eyes, pink dress...Oh, and her ex-boyfriend is a guy with a giant spider for a head. xD
I knoww xD One of her oldest songs (and probably my favorite of hers) has none. It's called Losing Grip. It's a fantastic song, especially live.
Yeah, maybe it's just normal on Tameran to blast people in the face that you like x3
According to the search bar (I'm lazy xD), it's season 3 episode 5. Well it looks like it's going to storm I think I'll go for now x) Talk to you soon :)
True x) They have their moments. She was, her songs seemed a lot more real. Now she focuses on making them energetic for live performances.
Yeah....and like it's normal to marry giant green blobs from other planets x)
jk. Even Starfire thought that was beyond werid x) But everyone else on her planet was totally cool with it! Jerks
My gosh, it's been stormy for days xD It's pretty though :)
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