Comments on Profile Post by Amaury

  1. Krowley
    Apologies if you've felt ignored. I've recently been tending to my stepfather who has been recovering from surgery. I just go on KHv to check news and possibly reply to some roleplays. So to summarize the replies to your past month messaging;

    Thank you

    Not college exams, just trying to find some work,

    Thank you, was thinking it's time for a change.

    Nothing really, like I said, just job hunting and caring after my family.
    Jun 7, 2013
  2. Amaury
    As you obviously saw, I was joking. But apology accepted! =)

    Is this why you were visible and then went back to invisiburuty last night? Hopefully, you're fully visible again soon, though. And I'm legitimately saying that. I don't really do the crazy stalking, as people like to call it, anymore. So whenever I ask anyone now about invisibility, it's legitimate.

    * Anyway, what's going on with your step-father? Anything serious?
    * You're welcome.
    * Where do you hope to work?
    * You're welcome.
    * Caring about your family is a good thing. Anyone who doesn't is a shithead.
    Jun 7, 2013
  3. Krowley
    If it's alright, I'd like to keep most of that private.
    Jun 7, 2013
  4. Amaury
    That's fine, but since you said most, so which parts are you okay with responding to? XD Or you can respond via conversation, if that's what you meant by private. If not, then refer back to my first sentence, haha!

    Personally, I wouldn't mind responding to these if they were asked to me. For example, for the first one, I could just say, no, nothing serious. That doesn't give any detail, just that they are fine. However, to each his own. I highly respect you and won't ask you to answer something you're uncomfortable answering.
    Jun 7, 2013
  5. Amaury
    most, which*
    Jun 7, 2013
  6. Krowley
    Switching most to all if that's alright.
    Jun 7, 2013
  7. Amaury
    All right. Not a problem all.

    You're probably dealing with a lot right now, so just stray strong and you'll get through it. That is all I will say about this. =)
    Jun 7, 2013