Comments on Profile Post by GhettoXemnas

  1. GhettoXemnas
    Also Alderaan is like the most beautiful planet in Star Wars ever

    May 26, 2013
  2. Misty
    1. I downloaded Man on the Moon II on a recommendation of light rap becuz I like hip hop just not supa into rap so if you have other similar recs plz do tell, I like this sort of thing
    2. I've only downloaded Shrines (which is their only album?) and I really like it it's just so chill. Xiu Xiu is ****ing BRUTAL, I have had to stop listening to them because of mental health
    3. bad work friendo, I just love the design of the world, the idea of a floating world, all of that.

    Alderaan is gooooorg, I would want to live in the Old Republic era anyway so it's all gud
    May 26, 2013
  3. GhettoXemnas
    1. Check out Cudi's new album, Indicud. It's not as deep or dark as Man on the Moon II but it's still definitely a great album. And also I feel like you might enjoy this guy Milo. He has this amazing set of double EPs called Things That Happen At Day and Things That Happen At Night, they're just awesome imo.
    2. Just downloaded Shrines since I don't actually have the whole thing. Also downloading two Xiu Xiu albums, wish me luck with these aha
    3. Agreed, Manaan's design is soooooo beautiful and also I loved the music on that world. I feel bad for the evils I brought upon them.

    and yes Old Republic era is BEST era! Alderaan still exists and Palpatine has yet to bring about his anti-alien Empire with a bland color scheme.
    May 26, 2013
  4. Misty
    1. will fosho
    2. WHICH XIU XIU ALBUMS because they are a really ****ing weird band and I think people should maybe ease into them with Always or Dear God I Hate Myself, they are the most accessible.
    May 26, 2013
  5. GhettoXemnas
    If you need help finding Milo's stuff (He's kinda obscure) just ask me 8D
    And those are actually the two albums I happened to download! I'm probably gonna start with Always since I really enjoyed Joey's Song O:
    May 26, 2013
  6. Misty
    I was kind of muh on Always, Joey's Song, Hi, and Beauty Towne were the standouts (but then, it's rare that I'll like a full Xiu Xiu album). Dear God I Hate Myself probably has the best ratio of like:dislike for me, House Sparrow is one of my favorite Xiu Xiu songs in general.

    Afterwards go for The Air Force, it's a bit weirder while still retaining some normalcy. Women as Lovers gets eerie. If you want to ease into some of the older/darker stuff, try I Luv the Valley OH, Brian the Vampire, I Broke Up (SJ), Hives Hives, Sad Pony Guerilla Girl, etc.

    Or you can just scare the **** out of yourself and download Fabulous Muscles and Knife Play. Support Our Troops (Black Angels OH) actually gives me nightmares.
    May 26, 2013
  7. GhettoXemnas
    I'll probably ease my way into the darker/weirder stuff and stay away from Fabulous Muscles and Knife Play until I fully digest some of their other stuff aha I don't want any nightmares just yet! I'm really enjoying Always so far even though I'm only three songs in, and the first three songs happen to be the one's you said were the best. We'll see how I feel about it after a full listen I guess lol
    May 26, 2013