My God! Aren't they supposed to be getting filtered out? :x
Hm. They're banned, but I'm still able to view their profiles. Usually when you try to view a banned user's profile, you get an error.
NOOOO. You haven't gotten your P. Fillingggg. WHAT AM I FIGHTING FWAAARRRRHHH??? SIGMAAARRRGGGHHH. I don't know why I say it like that when there's no "argh!" whenever X says it. XD
C': Yessss. Pff, I can always get on skype tomorrow! (but I won't get P. Filling anyway because cease) xD Because it sounds suitably dramatic I suppose. SIGMAAAAAAAAAAAAARGHH!
I HAVE WORK TOMORROW. ...In the afternoon but still. (But P. Filling will get you!) It displays X's angst!
Yup, the sirens went up something like five or six times, it was kinda crazy. The biggest immediate threat for us was flash flooding, though.
That's good, at least. I mean, I know flash floods can kill, too, but I think they're easier to escape and such than hurricanes or tornadoes because you can go to higher ground. Would you have been affected by them or are you on higher ground? We've gotten some normal flooding in the past, but it's only affected the west part of our town since it's lower and closer to the Yakima River, and we live more on the east side, which also got affected, but the flood waters from the drains didn't even reach the top of sidewalk curbs.
So glad to see you're safe, Lexi! I know you live in Oklahoma state, but do you live in the city? If so, were you directly affected by it or did you just get residual effects? Or were you not affected at all?
So glad to hear that! I should have worried about you, but I'd completely forgotten you lived there. I feel like a jerk. :c
Eh lol don't worry about it, easy to forget, it's only mentioned on like... my staff bio lol. But yeah, thanks, & don't worry about me, my area's okay.
I went to post a comment on your profile and got curious because I saw you viewing a thread called "I can't take this anymore..." from Libre. That was sure a weird joke, I'll say that. Although anyone who goes through The Spam Zone and looks at old threads sometimes -- like me -- can tell it was a joke since he's still here. c:
Don't get me wrong. I don't find jokes on the subject funny (he sure has a twisted sense of humor), I just found it interesting how the thread escalated. passin' along this sweet ass deal because i think you have an iphone