xD I would love to but I have work to do that I've been slacking off all day and I really should be doing it O.o Of course we shall converse at some other point.
Well, it's not work per se, it's making a card for my psychology teacher and it's taking forever to draw and colour D: I have to finish it either by friday or next wednesday... depending on when our last lesson will be. This also involves printing it out and getting my class to sign it.
Oh yes! Two of me makes you >:3 but I am not half the man you are.
Oh don't worry, they all have their arms around each other so you can only see two hands xD The shading won't be fun, don't know how I'll do it yet but I may be taking some short cuts :3
No, at least I retain my dress sense as I go older. Hmm... I saw another version of us in a bow tie and I reaaaaallly wasn't sure about that.
Oh I know how to shade xD I have two forms- more manga-y or how I shaded your christmas present. I'l probably go with the latter because it looks nicer when done properly. :3
I do wonder what will be going through our heads when we put that bow tie on.
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