eh, that is okay. Yesterday was the first nice day all year. And I don't even really get summer off since I am expected to have a full time job all summer
first nice day all year? why is that? I'd like to get a job, so I finally have something to do, but here most people, who work are 18 and above. Hard to get one at my age.
It was like 26 C yesterday. Most other days it rarely gets above 15 C and has been rainy. And I would like a job but I also need a chance to get out of this town, but over the summer I have a certain number of work hours to fill so I don't get a break, just work.
It isn't bad but as I said I am itching to get,out of this town but that won't happen till November at the earliest. And yeah 26 is nice. Slightly warmer and it would have been a nice day for swimming
Well no. It is a program we have in my city where the government pays for you schooling and during your grade 12 year you can take a trades program. They do this because we need more people in the trades and they require no extra courses
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