Last Activity:
May 31, 2024
Jan 18, 2013
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Nov 14, 1997 (Age: 27)


Gummi Ship Junkie, Male, 27

I come and go. Eternally so. Feb 29, 2020

mindstorm787 was last seen:
May 31, 2024
    1. Shiki
      Heya, gonna post on the rp anytime soon?
    2. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Hey, just wondering if you've looked over my response in Supernatural.
      1. mindstorm787
        Ya. I did.
        Jun 1, 2013
    3. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Okay, I'll say this here because I'm not starting a storm in Jayn's thread:

      How exactly did you think I was making you feel better? I was letting you know that you shouldn't have missed anything because Jayn literally copy and pastes everything either from the OOC into the Skype, or vice versa.
      1. mindstorm787
        Yeah, I know your not storming on the thread. I just feel as thought Jayn isn't listening. Besides, I'm not exactly in a good mood.
        May 24, 2013
      2. Hiro ✩
        Hiro ✩
        That still doesn't entitle you to be rude about it. If you feel she didn't listen then politely go into her profile and message her something like "Hey, I think you didn't get my roles, so here they are" or something
        May 24, 2013
      3. mindstorm787
        I get it already, thank you.
        May 24, 2013
    4. Beucefilous
      Just a confirmation...
      Did Rexitus just say he has some hidden agenda he doesn't want R to find out...
      Right in front of R?
      1. mindstorm787
        He whispered to the Dusk. That's what I meant by hissed. He didn't emphasis that he had an agenda, he just merely said to R that what he did in his spare time, it's none of his business.
        I could change it up though.
        May 21, 2013
      2. Beucefilous
        Right, well i was just confused.
        The part about not wanting R to find out something is fine, It's just the fact R was "right there" when he said it lol
        Now that i know what you mean though, it makes more sense.
        May 21, 2013
      3. mindstorm787
        What's the point in making sense when you can leave people clueless and LOL your way out the room. ROFL
        May 21, 2013
    5. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Can you edit your last post in Sanction? Even with his added speed, there is not enough strength in Operator's body for him to be able to take out that large gun. The Tanker is not meant to be beat, remember?
      1. mindstorm787 likes this.
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      3. mindstorm787
        It does. You'll see how in a little bit.
        May 21, 2013
      4. Boy Wonder
        Boy Wonder
        Thanks for your cooperation~
        May 21, 2013
      5. mindstorm787
        Always willing to help.
        May 21, 2013
    6. mindstorm787
      Ic bein I just kicked your ass.
    7. Hyuge ✧
      Hyuge ✧
      Try not to take this the wrong way, but it really seems like you're trying to turn CB into some sort of joke and not taking it very seriously at all. None of your posts lately really make any sense both logically and in relation to the rp. You make Adrian sound like he's possessed, but then say it's multiple personality disorder.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. mindstorm787
        Now that you mention it.......
        May 16, 2013
      3. mindstorm787
        I'll do something about it. And yes, I think I might be caring this a little too far.
        May 16, 2013
      4. mindstorm787
        May 16, 2013
    8. Aelin
      When you have time can you please post in LvD
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      2. Aelin
        Not it isn't their problem but Kaya is a bit higher up on the food chain with the darks then the nobodies so if she has an opinion on the matter R would more likely listen to her then the nobodies
        May 13, 2013
      3. mindstorm787
        Gah. Don't count on Rexitus being the better man.
        But ok, what does Rexitus need to do? Because last time I checked, the Power Harness didn't really help anyone but the Nobodies. :3

        (I'll explain on that later)
        May 13, 2013
      4. Aelin
        Well I am going to have to talk to Rien but we will come up with an actual mission for the remaining darks to go on, so Ruby, Kaya, and the nobodies. One with an actual goal, fights, rewards ect. Like what the lights went on earlier
        May 13, 2013
    9. mindstorm787
      *Static crackles from nearby devices as shadows extend towards you*
    10. jackdaniel0
      A demon is following me. That's quite funny actually.
      1. mindstorm787 likes this.
      2. mindstorm787
        I'm more derived from Slenderman, but ok, that counts to. And last time I checked, Enerjak is the same age as Operator.
        May 9, 2013
      3. jackdaniel0
        Oh wow we gotta get them to be buds lmao
        May 9, 2013
      4. mindstorm787
        Just be careful. He's got a pretty short patience, and his word is law. No wait, he never speaks, scratch that.
        Let's just say his action's speak louder than his words.
        May 9, 2013
    11. nasirrich
      So your mindstorm.... Ok well I seen your works, and as they are enjoyable I have a quick question. A lot of the times in the Poetry and Lyrics you reply with an already used poem why is that? I don't think your supposed to do that, but was just wondering why it is you tend to do that.
      1. mindstorm787
        I think you might be refering to my signature. I had a feeling that someone might get confused by that, because I've never redid my poems twice in a row. For proof, I'll be taking down the sig and replacing it. And besides, i change it every week, so no need to worry
        May 5, 2013
      2. nasirrich
        Hmmm that could be it, but I could have sworn that... Anyways I just wanted to introduce myself to you personally. I saw your works in Home of the Poets and wow is all I can say.
        May 5, 2013
    12. Beucefilous
      So did the nobodies like...not listen to R or what?
    13. mindstorm787
      "I am a fine good man." "I AM A DEMON, READY TO SPLIT YOU APART!"
    14. Odamadillo
      Hello there Mindstorm787 I am sure you know who I am so you can call me Oda what shall I call you?
      1. Indecypher likes this.
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      3. Odamadillo
        I will write more myself soon but right now I am not up to it.
        Apr 22, 2013
      4. mindstorm787
        Apr 22, 2013
      5. Odamadillo
        I will read them later.
        Apr 22, 2013
    15. mindstorm787
      I am young, I am old, I see what space and time could hold.
    16. mindstorm787
      The monster in your closet wants to drink your blood in its rusty chalace....
    17. mindstorm787
      Dark spirits taking form from within....
    18. CrownMoksha
      Just curious as to how your other character know kel
      1. View previous comments...
      2. CrownMoksha
        Mind if I uses Kel wish to turn them back to normal
        Apr 4, 2013
      3. mindstorm787
        I don't think that'll be neccessary. The warriors of light are going to fight Rexitus and Lexain. But they will turn back to normal that way.
        Apr 4, 2013
      4. CrownMoksha
        alright then
        Apr 4, 2013
    19. Jayn
      Hey, Cupid's Brew will have a Skype chat going for further discussion and bonding. If you have a Skype and would like to be added, you can either add me to Skype or send me your name. 8) Important updates and such will still be posted in the OOC thread!
      1. mindstorm787
        I'll have to wait on that. I am currently unavailiable until I can settle some private matters. I can still communicate on an Inbox on KH Vids if you're able to.
        Apr 3, 2013
      2. Jayn
        Alright! That's fine. Thanks for letting me know.
        Apr 3, 2013
    20. mindstorm787
      Don't stare. Otherwise, you risk going to sleep! >:3
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  • About

    Nov 14, 1997 (Age: 27)
    Past Usernames:
    blackout468, bossman580, lyokomaster360, xana00, axel5678
    Default Name:


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