I wrote DarkRoxasxXx a note today about how I've been feeling towards him (not all of it, just some things I felt I should get out there) and when he texted back he sounded really blank and angry so I got kind of scared x)
But it worked out in the end, he wasn't mad, just concerned. Of course, things aren't exactly back to normal, but he knows I'm not exactly happy right now
It's so great, he's so nice to me x) and earlier today, he lost me for a few minutes and got really worried xD It was so cute. "Where is she?" "Did she not walk in with you?" "You LOST her?!" "You should've been watching her!" He kept interrigating his friends trying to figure out where i was x) I think he's just scared because he knows I'm not totally happy. Yeah, I want him to join one day :) But he wants to wait until he's a more experienced editor so he can be a more active member if he gets the time
Aww, it'll be great x3 He can be....well. We'll work that out when he gets here x) If he gets here. The MAN position has already been taken xD Maybe he can be little Sora...which is funny because he's even older than me x)
I was thinking he could be Roxas since he's...DarkRoxasxXx xD BUUUT. You were here first, and I know how much you like Roxas x3 So if he gets here, he can be Terra, so he's closer to my height (he's actually significantly taller than me xD but I can pretend. I have no problem with that)
Oh, I think he wouldn't want to be in a tournament since he only has WMM and not much experience x) But when he gets more experience, he can run with the big dogs like us. xD
YYYYEAAHHH...I wouldn't want to get destroyed by Starlight with WMM...I would just get wrecked. I haven't used that thing in a while, but I know it is a limited little monster XD
For real. You can't change the aspect ratio so your footage matches, and you can't even REVERSE. Plus most of the effects suck xD No room for creativity! But yeah, I'm scared to ever go against Starlight x) she's a boss. I'm not good at having feels in my videos...she owns that jazz.
Oh, why thank you x3 If my computer wasn't so darn slow, I would go so hardcore on my effects xD I feel like I rely on them too much though. You're fantastic with timing :) That's alright, me and DarkRoxasxXx are like the biggest derps I know. xD
Yeah, it's a huge pain to get timing right in programs like WMM. But in Vegas, it's no problem at all. It's pretty precise (if you computer doesn't lag so hard! Dx). I'm guessing in FCPX you don't have to have each clip backed up by another like in WMM, and you can just put clips wherever you want? That was a NIGHTMARE in WMM.
Well, yes and no XD. There is a tool where you can just put stuff wherever you want and that leave a blank clip, but I don't really use that because I don't often need to get around that. Layers and stuff are easy enough in that XD. FCPX clips are more like blocks that you place in and out of the timeline.
Oh, I hated having to have a blank clip or random filler clips x) I never start from the beginning. I'd go insane xD And I use at least three layers per video x) I don't see how I lived without layers in WMM. Clips in Vegas are like pieces on a horizontally lined board. You can put your piece between any of the lines, wherever you want x)
I guess that makes sense. And never starting from the beginning...hmmm...interesting, I'll have to try that someday XD. I do have HD Days clips now, I just need to get most of them converted so FCPX will take them and render them at least XD.
do you have to convert all your clips!? I'd go insane xD I get them from YouTube so they work well in Vegas and don't need to be converted. And I really like starting from the middle of something so I know how to effectively build up to that part,and how to foreshadow if I need to x) It's much easier for me, but working from the beginning might be your thing :)
Well, I had to convert all of my KH3D clips and BBS (I only have Aqua, two of Terra, and a Chunk of Ven's) and most of my 3D clips are only like...3 minutes or something XD. I'm converting the HD Days clips so that the codec in the video works better with my Apple products XD. I don't go insane, the converter is free and very effective :D. It's kind of like what Marriland and by extension, Sephazon (they are both Let's Players on Youtube, I only really watch Marriland, he's pretty funny) were saying about Marriland's recording setup:
Sephazon: That is unreasonable challenge condition though!
Marriland: Yeah, but it makes good results, so...
Not exact words by the way. It works for me, and it helped land me second place in the top 5, so I'm fine with that XD. Maybe while you two are away I'll win the top 5 XD. Although I do have to watch out for FurySp4rk...Oh my goodness, he is SOOOO GOOD. Everything he makes...is so amazing. Especially that Losing Your Memory video...I heard he won the AMV of the year award, right?
OHMYGAHH DID HE?! THAT'D BE AMAZING!!!!!! well...he is amazing xD Dude, I want his skills. He just rocks my socks, him and tophergasm. They're some of the best editors I've ever seen. My favorite is avidityy though, she's more on the feels side most of the time x) Ohh, I hope you do win top 5 :D I did once, and I was so proud x') I have very few BBS clips. I've never even played the game xD It's a wonder I could make that Ven and Aqua video for Starlight
Well, it wouldn't surprise me if he did XD. I don't know who my favorite editors are...probably him, you, and Starlight. I haven't seen that many video's since I'm not really on Youtube, but FurySp4rk I've seen around here. And, well, since you and Starlight are my friends and you both have Skittels (an old, bad pun I made at my old school XD) you both clearly land in my favorites :D. And there was this one person, who's username escapes me, who made this epic "The Kill" video. It was soooooo good.
And gosh, do you know the story of BBS? It's pretty good in my opinion. (And a guy on here actually said that Sonic 06, on of the worst games ever, had more character development that BBS. Which I found surprising, yet I felt good about it XD)
Aww, you so sweet x3 YouTube features content that's a little more....mature x) (some of it greatly exceeds that video I made that was a bit raunchy xD) Aww, Skittels? That's cute x) I have a Skittle in my binder that has a smiley face on it!
Well, I know some of it. DarkRoxasxXx tried to explain it to me about a year ago x) Aww, good for you x) You stand up for Sonic! And I'll stand up for the old Spyro that nobody seems to appreciate anymore x3
Yeah...It's sad really. My parents have expressed the desire to let me on, but they won't, and understandably so XD.
I've played a little bit of the old Spyro, but not very much. It seemed alright. Now it's all "Skylanders" right? I played that, it was alright, I guess...
Aww x3 Good, you stay innocent! If you don't, you feel like you're lying to yourself trying to get back to how you used to be. It's not fun.
Yeah, but it's not even about Spyro anymore, just...all their new made-up characters xD I've never played Skylanders, so I can't judge, but it's nothing like the original three for the PS1. (Yes, I'm a loser who still plays the PS1 xD)
Well, the argument for Skylanders is that nothing new in these old series is how it was when it was originally. Like Pokemon. Aww, and you aren't a loser for playing PS1. You could actually make insane money off of that nowadays.
I know, they fixed everything and there's no way to make it messed up again x) But still, they could at least keep gameplay similar. I realize it's pretty simple, but it doesn't need to be too drastic of a change. Money? I'm listening x)
Aww xD Maybe she's just busy
Yeah....xD It was only hard if you were trying to get a high percentage. Then the first game was the hardest....one level that takes like four minutes to walk through took me HOURS to complete....it was awesome xD I love games that give you a little challenge
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