Yeah he is. And Smosh is pretty funny. Want to watch a video? His compilations (scary or funny) are really popular. And his Harlem Shake Video, which is very different from the others.
Thank you! Thank you! =D
Haha! Cool beans!
I haven't seen Hitman Reborn, but everyone tells me I should. So it is a must! Currently watching K Project. I have to say, it is pretty good anime. Only has 13 episodes and I am on 9.....going strong! =P
Depends on the genre. For FPS, TF2. For horror. Amnesia:The Dark Descent. For adventure games, Ocarina of Time. For medical games, Trauma Center series (Especially Second Opinion and New Blood) for fightng, Tekken. Stealth games, Metal Gear Solid.
Oh sweet!
I'd have to say my favorite series would have to be Uncharted. The story line and game play is phenominal. The game is just goodness xD
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