No, but it's so nice to eat and not have to worry about things getting stuck between unnatural metal blobs and I WILL EAT A BANANA SOON BECAUSE BANANAS ARE GOOD~
Always take a banana to a party :3 and always eat them! Yeah, it is a nice experience, but I do miss my braces because although they hurt they were still part of me for a while <3 Also, do you have retainers to wear?
Haha. no. I don't miss those monsters AT ALL. They were inside me for too long, and they'd randomly poke holes into my mouth (*insert "no Nub, that wasn't meant to be dirty" here*). Yeah, I do. It takes quite a bit of getting used to, haha.
Yesterday was impossible for and so is tonight ;-; I was in the land of no wifi/internet/PHONE SIGNAL! It was nice though, I saw my uncle and his family.
A year and 19 months? xD So, 2 years and 7 months? Wow, that is a while.
I know, but YOU'LL LIVE (and look who's talking, pfft; I don't know the meaning of life w/o wifi ;-;). And hey, I already have to wait an extra, what, four hours to watch Doctor Who? You can live with it if I can. >:3
Yeah, I know what you mean. My mom and I will usually let it record for about half an hour before we start watching just so we can avoid the commercials. xD
Maybe, but it doesn't make up for all the stupid commercials. ;-;
I swear, you all get the DW experience and all the exclusive posh-Who stuff. Is it really better to get documentaries that you could find online? ;~;~;~;~;~;
Oh, but when is the answer NOT the internet? xD
And then most are just so terribly boring that they make you want to smite yourself (Supernatural joke). Or to quote an adorkable guy, they make you wonder, "Is this how time normally passes? Really slowly? And in the right order?"
And that is why you have games on your phone : D Whilst watching Broadchurch on ITV (which should be coming to BBC America and when it does WATCH IT ERHMAHGERD IT'S EPIC!) I played subway surfers during the breaks to make time speed up, or I think about the world :3 It's great fun really.
I don't really have the need to do such things as I have KHV to pass the time while commercials are wasting minutes of my precious life (lolwut lief? :lolface:)
Also yeah, I've heard all about Broadchurch and I will have to look into it regardless of whether or not it comes to BBC America.
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