Comments on Profile Post by Razgriz Thirteen

  1. Misty
    ahh yes! I am still playing through ME3. paragon or renegade?
    Apr 11, 2013
  2. Razgriz Thirteen
    Razgriz Thirteen
    Paragon. AHH WAIT FOR ME I CAN JOIN YOU GUYS IN MULTIPLAYER SOON!! I lost Tali and Miranda to The Collectors, I feel horrible ;_____;
    Apr 11, 2013
  3. Misty
    OMG noooooooo I am so sorry! I managed to save everyone except some of the Normandy's crew (gabby ;~; ) but there's always your next playthrough. P:

    and totally!
    Apr 11, 2013
  4. Razgriz Thirteen
    Razgriz Thirteen
    Yeah lost Kelly and Gabby too ;___; True, but for now it's on to ME3 as soon as I can get my hands on a copy!!

    You know what hurt the most though? Miranda and I were still fighting over Jack and we never got to make amends. Didn't have enough paragon to resolve the situation peacefully. <///////3
    Apr 11, 2013