It may be a waste on them, but it's the ones that can truly appreciate it that makes it all the worth while. Just living life normally and keeping things simple While it's just a simple thing, irony tends to do more to ones life than they realize. And when it comes to the right kind of people, the results are almost always something that I'd say are worth the watch.
The reason I went with the name. Irony's my favorite component of life. I don't think I'd possibly be as interested in it without it.
If you don't mind the rambling. Opening up with quotes though, I feel the need to ask, are you a philosophical kind of person?
Exactly. And I think that's why the quote is suitable. Irony is meant for the wise to have a good laugh, for the most part.
Ramble away, I don't mind. However I'm not one to use plethora of words to explain something, I'll just be exact and to the point most of the time.
In regards to being a man of philosophy, I would like to think so at least. Life with no meaning is no meaning at all. I think finding your meaning is a meaningful journey to say the least.
I can partially agree with that bit. I tend to look at life and people like I would with story characters. Main characters, side characters, and background characters. While I agree it'd be a waste on many people, I don't think it really happens that noticeably to other people to even need to consider who it's being used on.
I'm interested though then. What's your life to you, as well as life itself? What meaning is there to you?
I don't think life for me is something that can be explained, it's something I feel. If I didn't feel life, I wouldn't be alive, be it literal or figurative.
I've been interested in the eastern teachings of purposelessness. We of the west view purposelessness as bad, that life needs meaning, that things need meaning to be important. But instead, there are many things with no purpose, such as the swaying grass, or the living birds. To me, they are purposeless, but because of that they are far more beautiful. While I still want meaning in my life, I'd like to appreciate the purposelessness around me and bask in it I suppose.
What about your person? If you yourself are quite into such matters as well.
I can see your view point, definitely. Not to say that I disagree either, but more so that the purpose of it doesn't seem to give much impact to me. The world that we live in, the earth itself, has so much to offer from it, these things being some of them. I find beauty in such simply because it's life. Living, I suppose. A lot of society and those in it can be considered as parts of life as well, but I rarely see many people or things as actual living things. To enjoy the view of a sunset, the mountains, the wide open sea. A lot of things in nature, I consider to have beauty simply because they have life and purity, something that's so rare in this day and age that it's become suffocating almost.
At least, that's my take on it. My main ideals in life just come from the idea of living. Not doing the wrong thing (what I feel is wrong anyway), and making my life something meaningful, in the sense that I can look at it and feel the same way about it as I would with anything else that would consider to be living in this world.
Other than that, I'm a rather big player on the ideals of having balance. "For there to be love, there must also be hate. Death for there to be Life." etc. And I'm very opposed to the idea of actually dying. Death, no matter where you end up after it, sounds like more of a waste of time over anything else.
Two facts that I figured I'd throw in there. They tend to describe a lot of my base personality I think. Or at least, a good lot of my basic motives when it comes to the things that I do and say.
Is there anything that you're looking to do in life?
Ah a man of duality. Yes I must agree with you there, there must be a balance in life. But if I may ask, if you are in favor of opposites, than what would you say would be the equal opposite of life itself? Surely not death, since you question it's very state of existence.
I think that could be said for most people, what you believe in will shape the personality and demeanor you possess, most definitely.
I'd like to be a graphic artist really. I've always had and eye (or so I think so), towards art and deem-able aesthetic mediums. What about your person?
Waste, I suppose?
That's a pretty good question actually. Death isn't something that I'd definitely hold on terms with life, but I would say that not-living, or what I'll call waste, would be that opposite. Simply that which isn't 'lifely'.
When I look at life, I consider it to be awake, while things that I wouldn't consider life, I see it as asleep normally. Feeling would probably be the best way to describe this one. To describe life and its opposite would best be to say when something feels real, when something else feels fake.
If that explains it well enough?
If you don't mind me questioning you with this bit, how often do you draw?
Believe it or not, I'm about to switch majors from that area. Myself included, I've found that a lot of people are heading toward that area without giving it enough thought. Not to question your goals of course, but it's definitely a field that a person could end up regretting in the long run.
I'm heading into an English major once I switch over since I've always had a very strong talent with my writing skills. Mainly though, my goals are world travel, amongst other, more private goals. World travel would be the main one though. Once I'm settled into a favorable position, me and a group of others will be setting off on a plan that I've ha going for the past five years now. Been my main goal.
So basically anything without life is a form of falsehood, a fraud with no life? I can see where you're going with that. It's an interesting concept, I haven't really thought about in that manner before.
Hm well I try do draw everyday, and come up with creative things. Events do get in the way of course, but I think what brings me back to it is the comfort of making graphics. I've been drawing since I could pick up the pencil basically, but I hadn't officially set my mind to it as a career until 8th Grade. (about 7 years ago???)
I do like English and all the literature and language arts it entails, but I find it... onus most of the time. I like writing sometimes, but most days I just rather not do it. I dunno.
You should post more around the forum, people with strong personalities really stick out from the normal waves of new people. I think you'd thrive in the Discussion section and all it's subsections honestly. In fact you kind of remind me of an older member that once was on this forum, very smart bloke, but he had an ego to match. I think you've got a nice balance of both though, from what I can gather thus far. Time will tell I suppose.
Pretty much, though not to say that they aren't real. To put it in a better way, it's a matter of whether or not something has a 'heartbeat' to it. Every time I've come across something that has life in it, I've always felt that it has a heartbeat to it, unlike a random table or a piece of furniture just laying around. Falsehood implies that what it is is wrong. And while I do find it to be wrong, I still find that without it, life would not be able to be life.
Fair enough then. So long as you're able to do it on a daily basis, it's definitely a career worth getting into. Out of my class, I only have one person who's actually into drawing that often. With this being the digital era, "creative with computers" tends to attract most peoples attention to it in turn. It's lead a lot of people down some nasty roads in turn. As long as the passion exists for it though, then it's definitely for you then.
That's understandable xD
Like said, it's a matter of passion, I could probably write an essay a day if I had to, but if I ended up drawing every day, I think I'd end up a tad more insane than I already am. Not to make this sound cheesy, but I think following your heart is the best way to go with these things from what I've learned.
Mind telling me who they were? This old member.
I may have spoken with them in the past. I'm actually an oldie coming back after a long time. I'm so far from the person I used to be though that I figured it to be more appropriate that I make a new account.
And aye, it will. I'll probably start posting more often eventually to, but for the time being I'm just taking my time.
Ah, and thanks btw. Needless to say, but you've proven nice to talk to so far. Being able to get into these kinds of conversations is far too rare for me these days.
Why thank you sir, that's a wonderful compliment. I too have been yearning for a simple series of discussions with people for a good while now, but to no avail. If anyone does converse with me, it tends to be short and lighthearted matters.
Anyway, to the topic of the opposite of life, I think I get you. It's a feeling of life within it, and something that doesn't, feels wrong, but also doesn't feel pulsating.
And very true, many things are done on computers nowadays, which I admit I do use only for editing and coloring my mostly hand-drawn creations. Mixed medias I reckon.
The member was known as Makaze, in the realms of KHV he came on pretty recently, he was active from his joining in January 2011, till mid-August 2012 when he was permabanned due to events that would be another large paragraph of detail.
That's the problem with familiarities with most people. Once it comes down to getting to know them for long enough, then unless you're picking stuff specifically to debate over, there's a good chance you either already agree or don't have the need to cover it. It's a pleasure on my end though. I'm up for discussing just about anything xD
That basically covers it. "I looked into their eyes and saw something amazing". "Their voice had a passion to it like no other", "The horizon held a beauty that I could stare out at for ages". I used to think that these were more poetic terms, but for the past year I've been finding some great truth in them to the point that I feel that that alone is able to justify what something that has life is.
Which more importantly, I've been looking a lot more into things relating to feeling as of late. If you don't mind my asking, are you one for believing in sixth senses, paranormal, supernatural, and things for the sort?
Not to make this a conversation about that per say, but I could probably explain where I'm coming from from two different ways, depending.
I meant to ask this bit actually in the PM, but how were you two related on the forum, if at all? I figured that you were talking about him, lol. Was a bit disappointed to see him gone. I'm pretty sure I can assume what happened though.
Hm, in regards to supernatural things, I would say a bit. I was brought up in a Christian home, so I do think there is some sort of good spiritual force, and an opposing evil force. Evil force explains "ghosts and witchcraft" phenomena, and the good would be like "angels" and such.
I did explain that a bit in the PM, yes. But if you'd like to continue our delightful conversation here and transfer it all over to the PM, I'd think that'd be a little more private than here.
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